Healthiest way to keep ur herb.

in a vile or jar, baggies make the potency of weed drop (thc sticks to the materials of the bag) trust me on this, i read it elsewhere. PS and keep it in a cold spot too.
I use a film container or my trusty old dugout of course thats what i carry with me i leave most of my stuff home carry only what i need. ;)
At home i use a masonjar. :goof:
Kittyloaf said:
tupperware! I always masking-tape a couple q-tips that have their ends moistened to the inner lid. Keeps the weed moist without getting it moldy.

Hhmm.. Does this really work? What do you moisten the qtips with? Will water stay damp long enough? I keep mine in a sammich bag, inside a leather pouch, but it gets so dry. :(
bottles from the club (prescription medical bottles)
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