Height requirement


New Member
Hi All,

I'm very new to growing, but happen to live in Colorado where this just became legal.

I'm cleaning out some space in my storage room and I have two options. 1. One side of the room is a full 7H,5D,4W

and the 2. other is 49"H,46"D,72"W.

Ideally, I would like to use the shorter space (#2) as it "feels" more secure and contained. You can see just how wide it is after you go around the corner to the right.

My first question is: do experienced growers think I could grow some type of Indica variety here without problems? Keeping in mind I need to have some sort of lighting element above the fully grown plants....
My next question relates to ventilation. Although my spouse is aware that I am doing this I want the smell to be as non-existent as possible. I don't think there are any premade grow tents that would fit the dimensions of my area so I was planning on building a more permanent room (learned about it on youtube). What they didnt cover there was the smell. I know ventilation is very important. My plan looks something like this:

Do you think this would work?

The top vent hole that I pictured above, I was hoping to connect to the vent that runs from my furnace/water heater exhaust. This is a straight piece of ducting that runs all the way out to the top of the house. I figured if I could get some sort of fittings in the mix of this, I could effectively vent the entire grow room out through the top of the house. Does anybody know if this is safe/possible? I would of course be running a fan blowing outward of the grow room into this ducting so as not to suck air into it.

I was going to initially completely cover the floors, walls, and top of the area with some thick plastic sheeting used by painters or something and then install some rigid foam paneling painted flat white on all sides of the grow. My obvious intention would be to make sure it was 99% light tight or better. Assuming I could do this...
could I just have my intake fan, my out take fan, and a carbon area filter in the unit and completely eliminate odor when the room is closed?
Once again, please remember that I am a newbie. I only have read books about this and watched videos. From what I understand, if I don't use clones to start with, Ill have to go the seed germination route. Once the plants have vegged long enough, I will be able to determine the sex of them right? At this point, will it be too late for any female plants that I have to NOT come in touch with any male pollen? Or can I just remove the male plants at this time and concentrate on growing the females? Does this sound right?

I'm sure I'll have more questions later, but I will participate and share my results with you with any guidance I get. Thanks a lot.
Can anybody help me? Even if it is only for the first question. Will the height of the room be substantial enough if I pinch the top of the plants?

Is this in the wrong section of the forums or something?
Yea that will work if they get to big you can always lst or scrog train it or top it like you said, setting up your ventilation im not sure but yes you can get a carbon filter to get rid of the smell and if you want extra protection get some ona gel.As soon as you see pollen sacks you can throw out the males and your females should be fine unless you want to breed it.
Thank you for your reply. I have started to make up a material list for things Ill need for that space, and I've decided to vent into a crawlspace (after it goes through a 6" duct carbon filter). I drew up some pretty neat designs so when I get it finished, Ill share with this forum.
i like being able to get around from as many sides i can in my garden. i would use the bigger space. as it can be sub sectioned off for multiple grows and stageing of plants for perpetual growing. dont know if thats waht ya want. but useing space for max bud production i am always reading and learning about. height and ventalation are important. 1/2 your height for flowering. but if ya do autos they dont get really big.
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