Hello 420 People. I'm Max and I'm a Newbie to Growing and to this Magazine


New Member
t My grow (Hello 420 People. I'm a New Grower( Tried of Paying High Prices for O>K> Cannabis. I have 2 grow under my belt HAAA HAAA the first one was a Joke, I did any thing you could do WRONG, My 2nd Grow was Better ,I did get about 15 Grams but I had to cut My grow ( inside grow Room) I did not Trust anyone to care for them( No ONE KNOWS I"M GROWING. Isn't that the way your to do it (tell NO ONE) and I live By that but the little i got was VERY NICE & the Pride in what I grew was Great.
I'm on my 3rd Grow and I have 2 S.A.D afgan's 6" tall and I'm growing a VERY WEIRD CANNABIS Plant ( MISTY BLUE) does anyone Know of this very Strange Plant (if so talk to me ) it states it will grow LIKE a BONZI TREE.
your to Keep it low to the Soil. and after say the 4th set of leaves you top it so it will branch out(is this Correct)
Thanks to all of Ya'll Out THERE , HERE in TEXAS Meeting 420 growers is very Difficult, so If you will Talk to Me PLEASE
oh I have 2 Pakistan Ryders started and I need any advice .
THANKS MAX , I'm a Vietnam Vet and Disabled so any help will be GREAT
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