Hello From Indiana, United States


New Member
I have been actively growing for almost 11 years now. I self medicate to alleviate pain and to control my PTSD. I am a disabled combat veteran of the United States Army. Over the years doctors have tried nearly 30 different prescription meds, and none seem to work for what they are intended for with horrible side effects. My medication is NOT legal where I live, so some may see me as a criminal, I just see it as doing what is necessary to get by in life. I am not bothering or hurting anyone. For those of you that view me as a criminal, please remember... I was not too much of a criminal to go into combat to protect your freedoms and fight a war that has changed me mentally and physically for the rest of my life, SO BACK OFF!!! I look forward to networking and learning from all of you, as I have plenty of my own experiences to share with you all!! Looking forward to the fun!
Only the ignorant will think of you this way... Oh yeah and the big CO.'s that hate the hemp comp! KILL the Reefer Madness hype! Medicate on! When cannabis oil can cure skin cancer, then call me criminal! (also in non MMJ state).
Also a vet!
Vets unite for MMJ!
Thank you V1nce
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