Hello From NYC (just moved from LA)


New Member
Hello everyone. Happy to be in NYC...although LA :cool: was my home. What's there to do around here for fun? Any good bar suggestions?
Yea...I make it a point to go out every weekend and visit somewhere new...Actually, I was just in CT. Alot of McDonalds lol. Nice place and nice people there (at least where I visited).
Greetings from Brooklyn, if yer in Manahatten, not sure I try to stay out of there unless going to the Apple Store and the Musuem of the American Indian :)

In Park Slope in Brooklyn the Good Coffee House(Closed in Summer) is Great for Music as is Two Boots. Pick up the Village Voice , it's free these days and you'll find plenty of Fun to enjoy in NY. The Musuem mentioned above tends to show movies and have Live shows in Fact on August 11 is a Big one, including Martha "She is so hot" Redbone :) called La Casita several groups all Indigenous usually down at 1 Bowling Green. All FREE(at musuem) tho Donations are welcome.

I'm an old married fogey so not sure on Bar scene :) Hope you like NY

O:nen ki' wahi'
DOH! Almost forgot , Concerts every weekend in Summer in Prospect Park, you missed Isaac Hayes but plenty of others to see. $3 Donation requested
for seating, if yer Skint just hang out on yer own lawn chair outside the "Official" seating area.

O:nen ki' wahi' Bye for now
Thx Kwiter...yea I'm from Manhattan, here w/ my wife also. Isaac Hayes wouldve been nice to see but thx for the info. I will definitely check the Village Voice out and make sure to venture out. I just mastered the subway system so it's just a matter of time before I get comfortable finding places.
If yer near the F Line it's perfect for Prospect Park Concerts just get off by 15th St Ft. Hamilton Pkway Station, and toddle over to the Bandshell , ask Best if you exit by the Park instead of by the Open Token Booth on Windsor Place as you'll be much closer. If you come out and see the Movie theatre yer spot on if you see Lea's Ices you got a bit more of a hike, not alot just a wee bit.

Checkout Prospect Park Alliance website, I'm pretty sure they have listing of upcoming acts and shows at the Bandshell.

O:nen ki' wahi' Bye for now
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