Help! Brown spots and dryness on leaf


New Member

Very new to this indoor growing. I have my plants in a nice soil mix.
Starting to see a few brown/yellow spots appear over some of the leaves.

I haven't used any nutrients in about 3 days so it can't be nute burn.

Starting to get worried.

Any ideas?? Thanks heaps!
Mites? :eek:
Like spider mites??

I've inspected the leaves quite a bit and haven't seen any signs of mites though.

You think calcium deficiency?
I'm having the same types of symptoms HERE. A member suggested it could be due to spraying the plant with water and the light+water then burning the plant. One suggested possible spider mites. From what I've read I thought mine was a cal-mag issue but I'm still a noob, I hope you fix the issue. Let me know if you come up with something!
Wow thanks heaps! I didn't even think of the water mist at all.

I have been spraying the plants, and I just recently got a new 600watt globe which is only about a foot above the plants so that may actually be the cause there.

I also gave it a little cal max too just in case, because my nutes have very little calcium and magnesium.
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