Help: Droopy Leaves (2 day old after sprout)


New Member

The box set up (work in progress)


Day 1, seed came out, and I gently removed the seed cover from tiny leaves
(I did spray a tiny miniscule amount of water a few times during day 1, I also decreased temperature from ~80F to ~74F (+/- 2F)


Day 2,the 2 tiny leaves are droopy :(


Day 2, different angle. My question is, is this normal? I assume that I either over-watered her, light was too strong, or the soil FFOS was too strong to directly germinate into...but I have no idea what to do to correct the problem. Please help me out if you can

-----more details---
Seeds type: Nirvana Northern Lights Feminized
Seeds planted in soil on 11.25.09
Soil: FFOS, mix with 3:1 perlite

To Germinate (directly in soil):

Topmost layer ~1" (2.5cm) has no extra added perlite, I used 100% FFOS soil in topmost layer in order to germinate 1 seed directly into the soil.

Temperature... 80-82F during germination, now 74-76F, maintained via small Honeywell heater, with built in thermostat, which allows it to maintain a certain temperature within a 2degree range.

Humidity...I had the top of pot wrapped up with clear plastic wrap, as you can see. Now I have this humidity dome:


Water...tap water that was allowed to aerate for 48hrs ( + I pre-soaked the entire pot with "Crystal Gayser Alpine Spring water).

Light...23w CFL, 6500k, about 10" far from plant now. However, I had it pretty close to the plant ~6" away during day 1.

p.s. This is my very first ever grow.

Get rid of the dome and get the light closer.

Think what happens or has happened for thousands of years. Seed is outside, temp and a rainfall causes it to sprout. As soon as it pops, it's in full sun, or whatever sun is available to it. Ground is moist, but not soggy and it may be days before the next rain.

Give it plenty of light and make those roots search for moisture. Don't love/baby it to death.

On it! Thanks Droopy Dog!

Update: dome removed, light brought closer (~4.5" away from top of plant)


Is there any way to get it outside for a bit?

Late afternoon or early morning sun is good, not mid day if it's not used to it.

Is there any way to get it outside for a bit?

Late afternoon or early morning sun is good, not mid day if it's not used to it.

Outside temperature currently is 63F @12:30pm, I'm afraid that may be too cold...I can always add more CFL's, have another two 23w 6500k ready.

Here are the predicted daily temps (sun goes down like around 4:30pm)
LOL Not too cold.

What I mean, if you can, is to put in good sun for perhaps 1/2 hr to 1 hr say from perhaps 10-11AM or say 1:30-2:00 pm. Not directly overhead, but not too low of an angle either.

If not, more cfls won't hurt, just don't burn them. Bright, but not hot.


I'll wait for the sun to hit my balcony (still is in the shadow) and then will take it out for 0.5-1hr as you recommended DD.

Thank you so much for helping an overprotective parent raise his first child.

Update: It seems that during winter time the sun does not shine on balcony/window. So it stayed inside.
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