Help! How do I "activate" dry ice hash to make capsules

Hey folks.....
Lol! I have long fingers and gloves usually are too bulky for much besides yard work. in this climate anything with rubber falls to pieces. Lol I think these are from Lowes. There's a store called gardeners with some good ones. Riding gloves for horses with the mesh back and Teflon or some fancy rubber are even thinner, but cost more.. Dry ice doesn't need much protection. :)

Tincture is definitely in the works. I have vodka to try with the DI hash, is it good enough? I can't find glycerine. I hate alcohol as much as pot taste lol! Would the tincture be more potent and faster if I heated the hash first?

Tonight's capsule experiment will be the one with room temp oil. :) i don't know what is wrong with me. Ambien, two flexeril, 8mg Dilauded plus my daily meds icl. fentanyl, plus 3 bags of buds in the volcano still will not help me sleep! These did little for my pain, can't even sit or lay down comfortably. I hope I can get MJ to work soon.... This is wearing me down! I at least need to sleep. I wonder if the more I use pot, the less it works, just like my meds. :-(
WOW You have quite a list of meds there it'll take me a while to think this through. My wife is bi-polar so she needs small doses and my pains are no where near yours. Have you tried melatonin for sleep?
Next harvest try water curing some it reduces the smell and taste. The buds compact so you'll need to inhale/eat less.
Different delivery methods have different results. Chemicals vaporize at different temperatures so trying different temps on a vaporizer will have different results.
Ingesting is slower and the liver metabolizes the chemicals changing the results. :yummy:
Smoking and tinctures are direct absorbing putting all chemicals into play, so picking the right strain with more of a "body" high would help.
Harvesting later with more amber trichomes would lead to more of a body high and probably help with your pain and sleep.
Hope this helps some and you made good use of our extra hour today. The side affects of your meds along can be debilitating enough on there own.
Does this help bi-polar too? I know someone who might be interested, if so. My pain meds are as numerous as all the others that treat side effects of each other and all the ailments of a body falling to pieces from trauma. It gets real old.

I think i've looked into everything you've said. Hell, i've bought every herb and pill out there for sleep, plus ambien and all those anti anxiety meds that help sleep. It takes too much of these to do anything! I am wondering if I bought a essential oil distiller i could convert something like chamomile into a more potent form and compound it with MJ oil. If this worked, wouldn't there be chamomile oil for sale?

I'm still looking on the most reliable method to bring sleep. While sleeping, you don't notice the pain and your body has time to heal a bit. Anxiety brings nightmares, but in deep sleep i can still sleep. This makes sleep my #1 goal! I now realize i've almost trained myself in self hypnosis each time the pain gets out of hand, i fall asleep wether i want to or not, no matter what i am doing. My mind shuts my body down as a defense mechanism. Other times my body wants to shut down but my mind won't, or visa versa. Argh!!!

It is so hard to compare two things with all the outside variables like time or day, what I ate, when, and even what things are going on at once and now they effect each other. Do you think tinctures last longer than vaporizing? I just get little out of vaporizing... Might give up on it for a while and just do edibles and tinctures. I have to make the tincture myself before going that route.
I don't know what exactly makes each strain so different beyond THC and CBD content. I guess it would be terpenes. If only I could just find out if the CBDs carry into the tincture, the ones needed to reduce the negative effects of THC. My book explains how this happens, but not anything beyond it.

Ty for the info. Knowing that the same properties that are vaporized out of the bud are also in a tincture is a huge help. Are they kept in both alcohol and glycerine tinctures? Do you know if they work the same when ingested vs inhaled? Do buds mixed with oils also carry these? How about other solvents? If I took two Indica strain tinctures, would there be a noticeable difference in them, or only in Sativa to Indica? Once I find a small amount of glycerine to buy and can make it from dry ice hash in small amounts, like 2-4oz, I can compare the 8 strains I have to make hash from. Phew!

You covered my next thought, self hypnosis. A white noise generator may help slow the thoughts down and help you to relax. I had a small computer program that generated tones and targeted brain waves. I'll see if I can find that again. Edmund scientific had a brainwave monitor that was made for biofeedback they should still make it.
Yes it helps with mania for my wife's Bi-polar in small doses. The side effects can unbalance her, but then again so can allot of things.
All the essential oils carry in alcohol and thus are absorbed under the tongue. How THC is metabolized by the liver is on the site and as I remember this may be a good route for you. Try a making couple of fire crackers and see if these help with undesirable side effects.
Hope you sleep well
Hi daddy's,

Sorry so late a reply. I've been lurking about with a camera to enter the plant of the month. The prizes are awesome this month! The only way to get the whole plant in the photo would be to cut and paste two pics. I went with the middle of the plant. Lol this is the monster i have been making all my hash from. She will last until next fall's harvest. :))

Has your wife tried real hypnosis too? Does she have her own biofeedback machine or is it only in a clinic? Bi-polar sureley must be difficult to treat, especially without setting off the opposite effect. Even the wrong strain at the wrong time could make it all worse! I have been to hypnosis a few times for pain and sleep, but it is so expensive I can't get there on a regular basis and the treatment gets little chance ro work. I knew right away when I was hypnotized and recognized the feeling as exactly what happens when I brown out or black out. I a, convinced my mind and body go into self hypnosis on their own when my pain spikes are longer or more than I can bear. Maybe knowing this will help me prevent this happening in bad places... Like while driving or out of my house. I can feel it happening and have enough time to pull over or get to a safe spot and ask for help, but I can't control when the Isolde will stop, be it several days or several minutes. Anyway, it was an eye opener.

I have several brain wave apps, a white noise machine, and a few recordings the hypnosis guy made, an ex cop. Lol!! The one that worked the best was similar to the biofeedback. (which I've not had because it involves a $100 taxi fare several times a week to get there) the guy put these goggles on me with flashing lights while the headphones had an atonal pattern playing in rhythm behind a voice. That time, I was out like a light and unaware of what the voice was saying. I woke up with vertigo (normal) but found the pain unchanged and sleep just as difficult. For the first few months, the regular recordings worked for sleep. Now, they don't. The light machine is several thousand dollars to buy, out of my budget!

Is this anything like what your wife has tried? What side effects does she get? I'm not bi-polar, but am a believer in hypnosis. The sessions are $90 each. Ouch! The machine is only $25. I need to get there for that more often! I don't think it will do squat for pain control, but sleep and anxiety yes. Depression, see no changes. I look forward to trying past life and childhood. I bet there's all sorts of weirdness in both. Lol I wish I could afford a real psychiatrist that would do this, not just some retired cop with some fancy machines and the ability to keep his voice in the correct range and speak with the required emphasis and pauses for hypnosis. It's been facinating... Anyone could do this.

You have me hooked on these oils and tinctures. So, is there a difference between how an alcohol tincture and glycerine tincture works? I will make a tincture with vodka and heated hash now, you have me convinced i can deal with the alcohol taste long enough to mix it into a drink. Under the tongue would be so much better, but I can't stomach it that way.... Thus why I love this glycerine tincture. :)) Until I find the glycerine, alcohol is worth trying again. I threw out the stuff I made two years ago. It just stuck to the glass of whatever drink I used it in. A waste.
Have you heard anything about extracting the essential oils using an herbal oil distiller? There is a thread of how to use this to separate the alcohol from the oil in a tincture, but nothing about tossing some weed itself in the still. I would guess if it was possible, then people wouldn't be making hash oil with solvents and other methods, they'd just buy the $100 essential oil distiller.

I am hooked on this glycerine tincture I bought.... It's good stuff! I have been using it day and night, every time the pain gets to the point I'd normally take a pill. It is leaving me with few side effects. Last night, I found a great combo. I took one of my 1/4g hash pills (no oil this time) waited an hour, then took a dropper of tincture, fired up the volcano and took two bags. They vapes made me sleepy, tincture so I could lay in bed without the pain wherever my body touched the bed, and pill, enough relief to last most of the night. It was 6 hours before I woke and needed more tincture. I intend to replace the buds with hash in the volcano and make the pills better so I can add oil and not have it kick in 12 hours later.

I should have said this long agao, but forgot. The pain I am targeting is the breakthrough pain, the ones that my Fentanyl can't handle. Fentanyl is 100 times stronger than morphine and is amazing in a patch which eliminates the ups and downs of pill taking. I have little hope to ever replace this patch. It has made life livable! It's the hydromorphone (Dilauded) I am struggling to replace. This is what the tinctures, pills and cookies are for. The vaporizing is for the sleep and anxiety.

I guess I should give those firecrackers a try.... The edibles I have bought in dispensaries all taste like blockes of pure weed, horrid, not potent. Eating it quickly on a tiny cracker would be less offensive, of course I'll use hash too. :)) How long was that in the microwave? I remember my first try of edibles, before ever looking anything up on the Internet. I tossed a few grams of buds into some cookie dough. They were useless and Impossible to dose. Individual crackers make more sense! Ty for reminding me. :))

Thanks for all the great info! You don't know how wonderful it is to hear that at least ISO oil or hash carries all the terpenes and CBNs along with the THC. I still can't find squat on methods like dry ice hash, keif, or bubble hash... The methods made by first separating the trichs from the leaves, then processing. Are those terpenes and CBns only in the plant material, or are they part of the trichs too? I hope this makes sense... To me the answer is very Importent!!! ISO and solvents, budder and oil made from the buds of leaves should then carry all the same properties, as the extraction method deals with the entire leaf and bud, but just the trichs.

Ty for all the help.... I have a ton of new ideas to try. There's always more hope with more things to try. :)
Hey lookie what I found from Mountain Rose Herbs | Bulk organic herbs, spices & essential oils
Valerian root glycerine? New to me and not a bad price for pure vegetable.
I don't know how "handy" you are, but there is a great ISO extraction method
I'll pm the link. (another site)
I was the one that was into biofeedback. Yea I was a psychology major. My wife had migraines until I hypnotized her that was 25 or so years ago so I count that as a success. The best book on self hypnosis I've used is still in print.
Amazon - The Relaxation Response: Herbert Benson, Miriam Z. Klipper


You're already ahead of the curve on extraction and the effects on the different chemicals. I have to study to keep up.:thumb:
Google is my friend.
Sleep well tonight
Hi Dadums! Sorry late reply. This winter is already taking its toll. I completely forgot about mountain rose and didn't know they expanded to glycerine tinctures. I'll camp out with the iPad and have a shopping spree. The Valerian tincture and glycerine in small amounts is enough to get me looking for more. . tY!

How often does your wife need hypnotized to keep the migraines away? It's great to hear it works! This guy wants me to come every week, but even once a month is difficult. Is it worth to keep trying if I cant do it every week? It just no longer helps me relax... What I've learned about the roots of mympainnthis week are enough to keep me on edge for eternity. Relaxing would be nice! Lol

Is there anything in that book about stopping self hypnosis? I'm doing it unintentially, likely unconsciously to protect me from feeling excess pain. Whether I put myself into trance or the hypnotist does, it feels the same as when I brown out. Creepy...l I'd buy a book if it told me how to snap myself out of self hypnosis. lMK perhaps the library has it. :)
No Prob, i drop off the internet for months, and from life for years. Sounds like stress!! Cardiologist? That's a bad word!! I hope it's nothing serious... best wishes!

BTW, the 1/4 g caps are working better than 1/4g brownies or 1/4g caps with oil. They hit fast and hard!!! Also, they work better then 1/4g hash with DMSO topically. I have the glycerine for tincture and more experiments, just don't feel like doing anything. Too low to care. I'll get back on it eventually and will try to keep any useful discoveries here.

Are you telling me that after you hypnotizerd her twice, she's been free of migraines ever since?!?!? No regular session? That's AMAZING!!!!! My hypno guy must be baaadd... did I read right? If so, you need to be doing this for a living! :-DDDDD
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