Help! How do I "activate" dry ice hash to make capsules


New Member
Hi folks

I've made all my useless buds into dry ice hash. I have a little capsule machine and want to make the hash into pills. Last time, I tried dried buds in the capsules, and hadnto zap the buds with heat. I forget what it's called when heat, alcohol, fat or solvents make the THC or CBDs useable. Do I have to do this with dry ice hash or keif also? Butane hash or ISO hash already has solvents used, but keif, bubble, or dry ice hash doesn't.

If I find the right terms for this, I'll change the words. I desperately need to get these pills done today!! My hip is out and I can't walk. Everything I've tried has been of no use.

The only other idea I have is making a glycerine tincture, but I don't know how or have any glycerine. Perhaps next time!

Ty for the help... I'd post this under medical MJ, but there is no category.

I tried cooked bud and bub cooked in oil. These were so weak, it wasn't worth it. I'm trying to figure out if dry ice hash, if the extreme cold did the same for the buds as extreme heat. I also can't find if it is needed to heat the hash and oil mix to 350 like the instructions for grounds buds and oil, or if the oil itself being a fat, is enough to bind or decarb.

So the results so far for this strain in general:
-Shiva Shanti II from Sensi Seeds
-1st outdoor grow 2oz per plant
-1st Indoor grow 4oz per plant (this is the grow I'm testing)
current grow, estimating 20oz! For one plant! This poopr plant started as an accident clone I took when the grow rip broke off a plant while in bloom. I stuck it in a pot and left it to die or live. It lived, then the light cycles got messed up and the plant went into full bloom in May, same time I moved all my potted plants outside to move to a new house. Every plant went into full bloom! In June, they gor planted in the ground. I spent 10 days in July cutting off all the blooms and sticky buds once I was sure there was now new growth. Too early to bother with, and even shaved along the stems with a razor to make sure all the buds were thinned. If this wans't enough to mess a plant or dozen up, the plant grew roo tall and wide to stay in the screen house. I cut the back half of the plant off and thinned it out. It still grows taller and taller and is now covered in plast with poles holding up the screens to keep the evil butterflies out. The dang plant is still growing, while all other Indicas are harvested! wTF?

That's odd.... All my new pix came up blank online. Will put a pic here another day. Will try and add pic later.

The tests:
Shiva Shanty II
-Buds: too smelly for me to stand. I'm a newbie at MJ, yet 2 years haven't made this MJ smell or taste good to me. So, other people say the taste is strong and that it acted more Sativa, and looks more Sativa to them. It relaxed them without making them tired, plus gave some energy. Same results as the White Skunk I grew. Lol
-Buds made into budder. My rinsed and filtered method makes a HUGE difference in taste, but not the potency. :) cookies tasted like the average dispensary cookies, nothing special in taste but very strong. 1 ounce for one box of cookie mix.
-Decarbed ground buds into capsules, 1/2g each. Pretty useless. 3 pills did little
-BHO hash, old method. I used Vector butane and a PVC pipe, 1oz into a crockpot, then with water to boil with coconut oil. Made this into sugar free chocolate. Results, very potent and with no foul taste or odor. anyone could have eaten it! Does BHO remove terpenes or CBNs?
- BHO caps. This sticky stuff was difficult to handle warm or cold, so I barely got a 1/4 gram in one capsule. Worked better than plain ground bud pills. It kept fine at room temp
-ISO tincture from vodka. Worked, 3 droppers full, but stuck to my glass when mixed in juice. Burned my tongue as sublingual I don't like alcohol as is, so glycerine will b e next.
-ISO tincture evaporated and in capsule. Dissolved capsules and tasted like battery acid, looked like tar. These were my first experiments
Kief. Took more time and was less pure than dry ice hash. I used a frozen jar of ground bud, panty hose over the top with a rubber band, then shaKe over glass. Taste and smell of buds, good golen yellow, but only vaporized a smell amount. Still piney. Ick

-Dry Ice Hash. By far the easiest and cheapest method out there. Bubble Bag, glass, ice, and a razor were all under $20, in under 15 minutes per oz. As with the buds, the sting pine odor got to me and I didn't vape half gram. Others said it was potent and pure... Minus cat hairs that fit through the

So, all my buds of all strains are now dry ice hash. I did 50g dry ice with less than a pound of ice, and two hours, with no second runs. I gave those away to SB with a volcano to vape. Now that dry ice is the way to go, I will try all the concentrate methods using dry ice hash, purifying it more.

I can't find my books yet to see what methods of hash retain the terpenes and all CBN.s if anyone knows, plz tell me! In those books are many capsule methods. Oh well... I compare all of these capsules to the cookies I made, each also containing 1/2g dry Ice hash. I want to know which ways of making caps gives me the same or better.

1/2g of SSII hash into "0" capsules is what I am doing here:

1) 1/2 hash in one capsule, no alterations. Taken Midnight, by 3am I knew it was there, but effected me very little with no pain relief and no help to sleep. It might help anxiety, had none that night, but the effect was relaxing but active.

2a) 1/2g is placed in a capsule and the capsule then placed in the oven, 250deg for 20 minutes. Purpose: to see how heat effects the capsule. It is easier to make them then heat them after. However, the length of heating may not be enough for decaRbing (not tried yet)
2b) A glass vial of hash is cooked in the oven, in the same dish as the capsule in 2a, and 1/2g of it will be placed in a capsule. The purpose: The hash didn't melt or stick together, there was little odor. I think more time will be needed for further experiments. (not tried yet)
Whichever works out and is the more potent, they will be compared to the third method.

3) 1/2g hash in a capsule, with slightly warmed and liquified coconut oil dropped into the cap. Purpose: does just oil make the capsule more potent than choices 1-2? (not done yet)
IF yes, then I will then make a capsule from hash that has been heated at 310F with coconut or Olive Oil, then made into a capsule. It will be difficult since I make only one or two capsules, might need 4 to have enough to heat. This will be the fourth method.

Other Dry Ice Hash tests:
-vaporized. Too strong in taste for me. Was told it was very good quality. My other strains are some of the best hash i've tried.
-Budder. The advantage of making budder from dry ice hash is huge! My hash has fibers and hairs in it, just like the last hash from a dispensary. (impossible to avoid) this can be mostly rinsed out in the first rinse, but just in case, I put my hash in a stocking, like I would bud, and rinsed twice. The resulting bidder had very little plant material in it and wasn't that bright green of bud budder. By using hash, there was more room for butter and less material to reclaim the butter from. I made each cookie have 1/2g hash! 1/2 cookie was a kicker and a whole cookie knocked me out. Nothing knocks me out. Lol the taste was better too and the cookies grew more potent daily, even after freezing some.
This result and amount is what I compare all these capsules to. They will have the same amount of hash.
-next budder will be made from dry ice hash, then run through BHO, then made into budder with a single rinse. This will be the most refined method I can come up with. My hopes are to reduce smell and taste, but increase potency and still contain all the CBNs and terpenes. If only I knew if BHO eliminates these other properties.... Anyone??

I'll be taking the heated cap to tomorrow. Any feedback welcome... Am I missing something? Are there other ways to make caps? I figure someone might have already tried a few of these.
dadums, where is the oil in microwave thread lurking? That would be much easier to do, if the temp is controllable!
Ty! What an odd thing to try.... Butter and oil, then the weed clumps at the bottom in the microwave? I wonder what makes that happen... I use budder instead of oil because it is easier to rinse the impurities out. It there is a way to clean that stuff out oil too with a but of butter... Hmmmm. With hash, not so much to rinse out. :)

My second capsule, the one heated, complete my kicked my ass for 12 hours. It was way to strong, like going under anesthesia. 1/2g hash in a heated capsule be far outdoes a 1/2 same hash in a cookie. Will try 1/4g next round. Lol next, after new half dose caps are made and tried, to see if oil works to decarb the hash, without heat.
I agree, but it's worth fiddling with to see how much heat, how long, what way, etc. Others i've asked insist fats do the same as heat or solvents, which might be true, but I doubt as potent. I have plenty of hash to mess around with and nothing but time. I see many people are cooking their oil mixes faster, but hotter than the vaporizing point. Maybe this is where it then gets bound in the oil instead of vaporizing?

First, I have to dosing. That 1/2g scared th crap,out of me. I could stick fentanyl patches all over me or eat a bottle of hyroM and not have that happen. He'll, I graduated from a diet of Oxycontin 7 years ago into much much stronger opiods. That capsule freaked me out!

Feel too dizzy and burning to even move today. Since I have a bit of heated hash ready to go, I might try out a smaller dose tonight and see if it relieves this burning, the one thing I find no relief for. Without silly experiments, and a few good ones, I have no reason to open my eyes each day. There are millions of people out there like me and much much worse. Giving a single one hope or even a smile is priceless.
It was interesting how much a little heat did to that hash. I have a 1/4 g for tonight, just loose inside the huge capsule. Since it didnt damage the capsule, i wonder if it could go hotter quickly and not lose vapor? I'm debating on what herb to mix in the extra space. :) With using oil, I read posts that people leave the weed and oil mix on over 300 degrees. Does the oil then keep the MJ from vaporizing, thus making a higher temp OK?

What is a firecracker? If I can make it, I'll try. :) LMK! I have piles of buds to mess with. So far, the two strains I've harvested and tried have increased my pain and anxiety a lot. I hope something ends up useful.
oT, plz help our veterans, dealing is 25Oct!!!!!

OK, I know this is off topic, but I will put it in as many threads i've started, as I can. We have 3 days left to get the last 800 signatures on the Whitehouse petition to allow medical Cannabis for all veterans with PTSD, not just the ones in med states. This is a safe and reliable source, you just need to set up an email and account and sign away, then pass it on. I've received no spam or crap from this. If you are a veteran and don't know of the VMCA or Michael Krawitz who is the man responsible for getting the VA to let vets in med states use MMJ and not lose benefits, then check this website out at the bottom.

Our troops need your help, whether you agree with the war or not. Many of these poor soldiers are disposable and being medically boarded out with no awareness that they have rights and there is help out there. Please, help them. We can't know what they see and relive each time they close their eyes, but we CAN help get them the only treatment that works, Medical Cannabis.

Thank you for your support!

Only 862 more signatures needed for Veterans medical marijuana petition.

Please assist Veterans For Medical Cannabis Access in reaching our
goal of 5000 signatures by 25 October. Time is quickly running out!

We already have 4,138 signatures and are only 862 short of our goal.

Once we have reached our goal this petition will automatically be sent
to the White House for an obligatory answer and we will be using this
to kick off a series of actions designed to bring negative attention to
the recent federal escalation against medical marijuana. Your help is
a significant piece of that puzzle. We need you to sign and get as
many others to sign as possible.

As the leader of Veterans For Medical Cannabis
Access [VMCA] I helped the VA create a medical marijuana policy that
respects the rights of disabled Veterans using this important
medicine per state
laws. That policy has been made to look like a cruel joke given the latest
actions of this presidential administration.

In response to the actions of the president our
organization has crafted a petition that we have placed on the new White House

"Allow United States Disabled Military Veterans access to medical marijuana."

The fact that a Veteran in New Mexico can use cannabis legally for PTSd but
a similar Veteran in Florida will not only face arrest by state
police for using
the same medicine but face punishment at the VA
hospital as well is wrong. It is illogical. It is not the practice
of medicine it
is the practice of politics on the wounded and it is shameful and it must end.

Michael Krawitz is a Disabled United States Air Force Sergeant
and Executive Director of Veterans For Medical Cannabis Access.


Veterans For Medical Cannabis Access
3551 Flatwoods Road - Elliston, Virginia 24087 -- 540-365-2141 --
"Michael" <<>miguet@infionline.n et>
TY. That was my plan, but rain, mold and security made me panic and harvest early. It's better than losing all, but a bummer to not have any couch lock buds. My scope showed cloudy, amber and clear with mostly cloudy, but on visual, the pistils were a mix of healthy white and the orange that is wanted. Which rule is best to follow, scope or orange pistils? The two remaining plants also have both. I'll try and get a photo... Sweet Heart is still out there and my last hope for couch buds. The 10 ft Shiva Shanti is for hash only.

This is my 3rd grow, and each time I get a littler better at this. :)) Are you outside or in for growing? Dirt or hydro? I had though of eventually getting an indoor hydro set up, just for cloning, then move to dirt. Those little rubber made hydro kits are about for under a $100. Hydro just looks like too much work, with much room for human error! I feel safer in soil, like I miss two days and the plants don't suffer much. I am forgetful... Like I left the oven on all night. Luckily, I left it on before putting my capsules in there. Lol

Ty for signing that petition. If you know 300 more people, we have 361 left to go by Tuesday morning!
What is a firecracker? If I can make it, I'll try. :)

Here is a thread that discusses making them with Nutella instead of peanut butter, but the process is comparable. One assumes that they can be made with hash as well as bud (but mind the dosage, lol).
Nutella Firecrackers

OK, I know this is off topic, but I will put it in as many threads i've started, as I can. We have 3 days left to get the last 800 signatures on the Whitehouse petition to allow medical Cannabis for all veterans with PTSD, not just the ones in med states.

Err... You realize that for the federal government to allow this, they would have to allow it for everyone, right?

The fact that a Veteran in New Mexico can use cannabis legally for PTSd but
a similar Veteran in Florida will not only face arrest by state
police for using
the same medicine but face punishment at the VA
hospital as well is wrong.

It is wrong and illogical. And while I hope it does some good, I do not expect it to. Officially, the federal government's stance on cannabis is that it is illegal. In practice, its stance appears to be the same in many areas (such as the recent busts of dispensaries that were fully legal under their state laws).

I can see one of two things happening if your petition is addressed. There might be a statement that the reason that a person cannot legally treat him/herself with cannabis in a state such as Florida is that the state of FL has not legalized it for medicinal use (with a strong likelihood of mentioning that it is not considered legal in the eyes of the federal government in any case). Or there might be a statement that declares that since it is considered to be illegal in the eyes of the federal government, the states that have legalized cannabis for medicinal use are legally in error.

Still and all... We can hope for the best.
Hey, those sound yummy! I bought Canna Honey.... was gross and not potent. Buds wouldn't do much for me, but this would work with my dry Ice hash.

Here again is something with oil and pot in it cooked above 225F. Does the THC bind with the fat so it doesn't vaporize?

I've been making chocolate with coconut oil, coco powder, Splenda or Stevia, and optional unsweetened dark chocolate and crushed Almonds, which make it last a bit longer at room temp. I make the Canna Coconut Oil the same way as Budder. It's a carb-free option, but not nearly as fast and easy as firecrackers. hmmm graham crackers!

As for the VA... We've crossed the hump where the feds disagree with each other. They now allow vets in approved states access and won't deny medical care or benefits. I believe it also states that marijuana has medical uses or something similar. I have to go fish my copy of the letter out of the pile. Their MMJ policy certainly conflicts with the rest of the Fedrgovt. LOL If you go to the VCMA website, he explains all of this in detail, what it means, etc. His letter from the VA is there too.

Ack, just realized the quotes didn't work. I didn't write that long petition article, it was from the VCMA. This book, it's mine. LOL

Anyway, I can certainly see how this would drastically alter things. I think Americans as a whole would approve and accept marijuana as treatment of their soldiers, just as they do for cancer. I wonder how many family members have not tried to get Marinol for their loved ones? The petition will at least get this taken seriously. All changes must start somewhere and I believe the VA actively cares for our veterans much more than the military system.

Troops are disposable and renewable, as I've learned. A Staff Sergeant medically discharged is eligible at MAX for 50% of his pay, an much much more likely to be boarded out at 30% or even more, offered a severance, like $9000. Only at 30% and above is he eligible for medical care at military facilities. 50% of a SSgt BASE pay is peanuts, not enough to cover rest or food. The housing and food allowance is not included in tat 50%!!! This is ALL they can get from the military, and sadly many don.t know he VA have much more to offer. They are a completely separate entity than the military and will use their own docs and scale to determine the disability rating, and pay scale. Both military pay and VA disability pay are public info, just google it... look at 50% of the pay of a young troop, just out of boot camp. Compare that to the VA scale of 50%. Sad. I went from 30% to 100%. Huge difference!

Anyway, the whole point is the VA would be the one to stand up and fight for their veterans, if they can be convinced this is what they need. I guess that's where I would have started... I bet that is long done.

Wouldn't the government and people be more likely to approve Cannabis for their veterans with PTSD than approve medical Marijuana nationwide, or make it legal for all? This could really be a huge step in the process, if it works. I just posted a bunch of info from my doc on the PTSD forum.

What a messed up world this is!
Capsule test #4

And now for the capsule results...

I took one of my capsules last night. It was tad more than 1/4g, half the capsule was packed with DI hash since 1/4g wasn't quite enough. 250F for 20 minutes. I noticed the hash had melted a bit in the capsule and might be best heated longer. There were no vapors and little smell. :)

I don't know how such a small amount can work so differently, this time on a full stomach. It took 2 hours and relieved the pain a bit more than the other 1/4 cap, bit it lasted for over 24 hours and got stronger after 12 hours! I'm STILL messed up, but not in the same way as the 1/2g pill. WTF?!
Sadly, it didn't help me sleep. It's stopped my mind from going in circles 24/7, hamster head, and helped me focus. I'm pretty messed up right now. LOL I could work around the yard, but it was like moving in a dream, weird. Still, less pain. I'll zap the last 3 caps 10 more minutes in the oven and take another when the pain is out of control again. After that, I'll mess with oil.

Mmmm, if not already messed up with this and a bit of hash, I'd make a firecracker.... or melted cheese on a cracker?

I like the hash so much, I ordered a 5 gallon 220 bubble bag ($25.00) for all my trim and shake. I also got a 190mcr 1 gallon mesh bag to try and further refine hash and see if it is worth the effort. The 1 gallon mesh are $6.99 each. I see Dry Ice hash is sometimes called dry Ice Keif. They are similar and mght need pressed to smoke. I use over buds as is in the volcano, or in the liquid pad as is. I also won an auction for a $4 pollen press. I don't have any good reason to press my hash, this was cheap enough to play with. :)

Here's a photo of the hash, more in my gallery:
Here again is something with oil and pot in it cooked above 225F. Does the THC bind with the fat so it doesn't vaporize?

It's soluble in it. Absorbs easier when consumed.
Thanks TS
Too bad it isn't soluble on sugar. That sure is adobes fast! :)) I guess that's about the same a alcohol... But dissolving faster seems to mean it wears off faster, like a tincture. Does this sound accurate? Using both together would surely be even better... How about glycerine tincture? Does it have any difference between alcohol tincture? Someone who cooks should invent a chocolate candy (I assume coco oil acts like butter) filled with pot liquor. Lol!!

I tried the quarter gram caps a few more times, but they had little effect. I took another one, heated at 250 for 30 minutes this time, about 2 hours ago. It was a calming effect, but not sleepy. Next, I'll add a few drops of unheated oil and see if it makes any difference. If the tests with oils and heat fail, then I rewind and try 3/8g heated hash per cap and go through the whole testing again. It's a shame alcohol dissolves the caps... I wonder if glycerine does? No one locally has it.

I've been awake for 3 days now and am desperate for sleep, but not tired. I've tried everything, even ambian and just have all this weird energy, until I stand up and the world spins. I bought some budder to try out and compare to my own. I doubt it will be any good, but how else can I compare my own budder potency? Something has to knock me out. It will be a nasty crash when I do wear out.
Re: Capsule test #4

And now for the capsule results...

I took one of my capsules last night. It was tad more than 1/4g, half the capsule was packed with DI hash since 1/4g wasn't quite enough. 250F for 20 minutes. I noticed the hash had melted a bit in the capsule and might be best heated longer. There were no vapors and little smell. :)

I don't know how such a small amount can work so differently, this time on a full stomach. It took 2 hours and relieved the pain a bit more than the other 1/4 cap, bit it lasted for over 24 hours and got stronger after 12 hours! I'm STILL messed up, but not in the same way as the 1/2g pill. WTF?!
Sadly, it didn't help me sleep. It's stopped my mind from going in circles 24/7, hamster head, and helped me focus. I'm pretty messed up right now. LOL I could work around the yard, but it was like moving in a dream, weird. Still, less pain. I'll zap the last 3 caps 10 more minutes in the oven and take another when the pain is out of control again. After that, I'll mess with oil.

Mmmm, if not already messed up with this and a bit of hash, I'd make a firecracker.... or melted cheese on a cracker?

I like the hash so much, I ordered a 5 gallon 220 bubble bag ($25.00) for all my trim and shake. I also got a 190mcr 1 gallon mesh bag to try and further refine hash and see if it is worth the effort. The 1 gallon mesh are $6.99 each. I see Dry Ice hash is sometimes called dry Ice Keif. They are similar and mght need pressed to smoke. I use over buds as is in the volcano, or in the liquid pad as is. I also won an auction for a $4 pollen press. I don't have any good reason to press my hash, this was cheap enough to play with. :)

Here's a photo of the hash, more in my gallery:

you gave details on everything else, but how about them gloves?!?!
those are fuckin tight!

how much and where from??? haha, i know off topic but for real, them are sick!
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