HELP! Seedling changed look overnight looks bad!

Optimus PrimeBud

New Member
What happened she looked nice and bright green and her leaves were spread out. and now she is dark green and the leaves look pulled in? She has the right ph water the right amount of light and I only water when she is about dry. Is this normal whats happening to her please help!

The night before:

Tonight looks different in a bad way:

It appears that the humidity is low? Do you have a clear beer cup you could spray inside and cover the seedling? No nutes till 2nd or 3rd set of true leaves. RW is difficult to get the knack of, and easy to under/over water. I like Rapid Rooters much better because they can be set in a puddle of water and still maintain enough O2.

:roorrip: Good Luck! +rep
I will try that next time. I have recently moved my plant to a DIY bubbler and she looks a bit better but the leaves are dark green on the outside. I'm more worried then I was before about over watering lol.

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