Help w/setup


New Member
i have a 4 x 4 x 6ft grow tent , i will have 5 plants. should i use 400w or 600w and can i put a computer fan on every plant for plant air flow and use smaller fans for exhaust and intake?
:welcome: to :420:

I would go with the 600w, can never have enough light. it will cover the 4x4 area nicely. you could go with the comp fans, but I think wiring all that shit and having to work around them in the tent would be a pain in the ass. imo, you would probably be better off with an oscillating fan(if the funds are there of course) for air flow on the plants. there are a lot of options for exhaust/intake fans depending on your budget as well as the DIY stuff. start looking through the journals on here, you will find plenty of ideas. and this is a good place for some help with what you need..Cabinet, Closet, & Grow Room Setup - 420 Magazine ® are you planning on creating a journal? I'm still a newb at this but if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. :thumb: good luck!
thank you you definitly helped me out. lucky this is a pleasure grow so the random stuff like a comp fan per plant and etc. are planned into my "build" . i know i;ll have more questions . oh i had one more question if i use soil and water pans under them do i water them til i see water in pan or just be safe and use moisture measrue
Water slowly until you get run off. The plant will suck it back up. You should only water every few days. 2 to 5 works for most people. It really depends on humidity and the temperature of the grow area.
:thumb:I dont have any experience with those moisture meters. I'm thinking they are a waste of money from what I've heard/read about them, but everybody has a preference. being so new at this myself, I try and stick to k.i.s.s(keep it simple stupid) try and wait a few days since you watered until the soil is really dry and feel how heavy it is..then feel it when its good and watered. after that you'll have an idea of when you need to add more. are you adjusting the ph to your water?

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