Help with twisted, curled up leaves!


New Member
Hello all, though this is my first post I have been browsing these forms for just over a year now. I am currently growing out Female Seeds Black Widow that I purchased last year. Up until two days ago the grow has been going smoothly. I am currently vegging in my closet using an Aerogarden. The plant is currently in a 3in Cocotek basket by General Hydroponics. I had been feeding my plant with 3ml/gallon of FloraGro and FloraMicro and 1.5ml/gallon of SuperThrive ph'd to 6.5. Because of the size of the basket I had been using the cap to the milk jug to feed the plant. I would use roughly 3-4 cap fulls per day and everything has been fine up until two days ago. I had decided to go from feeding everyday like I had been to every other day. When I came home from work yesterday I found my plant bent over practically in the shape of a 'U'. I had searched the forms to find the cause and I found that it was most likely due to underwatering. So I gave the planet a mini flush of ph'd water of 6.5 last night. This morning when i check on the plant it had returned to being upright but now the leaves are all twisted and one is folded up almost like the shape of a hotdog bun. I have a fan that gently blows on the plant and the temps are rarely above 83deg. I do live in FL so sometimes it does get a little humid at night. Like I stated previously though, there werent any problems until two days ago when i went from feeding/watering everyday to every other day. If anyone has any suggestions as to the cause please let me know.
Re: Help with twisted, curled up leaves!!

Leaf curl/cupping & leaf margin rolling-signs of Plant Moisture Stress, Over-fertilizing, High heat, High light, over or under watering. All of the above issues relate to a plant's internal cell turgor or cell water pressure. If water pressure within the plant's stem and leaf cells are positive, the plant will look strong and stocky with flat leaves that are cool to the touch due to good transpiration from the leaf surface. By the same token, if the water pressure is not up to par, whereby water is being extracted from the plant and not replenished like it should be.... the leaves and/or stems will droop. Hoped that helped
Thanks for the reply. I watered the plants and returned to the normal feeding that I was doing before the incident occurred. The new growth is looking good and a lot of the twisting/curling has gone away though some of it does remain. The plant is now growing in its first set of 5 fingered leaves and it is looking healthy.
Mate you need to cut down on the feeding! By the looks of thing your growing in soil , so if its a good potting soil you shouldn't need to be feeding anything for now let alone everyday! If i was you I would water when the pot is light and NEEDS a drink and just water with plain pH'd water until its re-potted which when it is will have new food again. So start feeding 2 week after re-pot.

The thing with soil is you dont want to over feed! You may think you plant is loving it but it will cause problems during flower, the plant will enter flower with too much N or have a build up of old foods turn'd to toxic salts in you pot messing the pH. Just dont over feed with soil and it wont give you too many problems as the pH of tap water is nearly what they want in soil just needs lowering slightly.

Just thought I needed to share this with you as I love to overfeed soil myself and learn many times from this. :high-five:
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