

New Member
Hey new.on here....but came.on for a reason, i am a smoker but my nan is 94 and in pain....i told her about cannabis tea and she wants to try it. Only prob is i think the bud may b too strong i cnt find anyone with jus leaves and was wondering can u actually but cannabos tea.or get the leaves anywhere....plssss lil info.:thanks:...
First, I don't think tea will work that well. THC is not water soluble, that's why people make Cannabis oil or butter for cooking.

To answer your question, yes, some of the dispensaries in my area sell trim for cooking, They also sell edible items like brownies or suckers. Also, you can find recipes for edibles on this site. Cannabis Edibles :peace:
Ok yea i heard how to make it using butter etc where is the shop i were talking about...pls n thanks for rep:thumb:lying...x
It aint easy i tell ya that...loool...ok well my search continues....i have to go find a friend who grows and see if i can get vold of some leaves how annoying.....cnt u buy it on the net..leaves or the actual oil...???
Best wishes to your Gandmother.

Please know that the medicinal effects from Cannabis come primarily from the trichome, where the Canabinoids are produced. These are foud on the flower, or "bud" of the female plant. There is some spillover production that can be seen or found on the leaves. Therefore, I would recommend you seek bud, not leaves, and check out the recipes in our kitchen. The dose should start very small and increase until the pain relief is experienced. If you can get an indica strain, it would be best (more pain relief, less psycho-activity)

Good luck ;)
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