

New Member

Can anyone identify what this is???
We'd need more information. If you can locate the "How to Ask for Grow Assistance" sticky at the top of this forum and answer the questions there about light, soil, fertilizer, etc., that would help.

With just the photos, I can say that the third and possibly the second show chlorosis--a fancy word for lack of chlorophyll--which is usually caused by a lack of nitrogen (but can have other causes). Not knowing the details of your grow, I'll can only offer you is the Band Aid suggestion of saying "Try adding some fertilizer."
yh thats the issue...idk which one either

If you give it a balanced fertilizer with N, P, K, and micronutrients, that should address any deficiencies. (And chances are, since you're out of one nutrient, you're likely to be short on others.)

Which raises the question again, what are your growing conditions? Soil? Light? Fertilizer?
We'd need more information. If you can locate the "How to Ask for Grow Assistance" sticky at the top of this forum and answer the questions there about light, soil, fertilizer, etc., that would help.

With just the photos, I can say that the third and possibly the second show chlorosis--a fancy word for lack of chlorophyll--which is usually caused by a lack of nitrogen (but can have other causes). Not knowing the details of your grow, I'll can only offer you is the Band Aid suggestion of saying "Try adding some fertilizer."
Well its an outdoor grow and i have only noticed this problem yesterday...I'm using molasses epsom salt bloom fert for the flowering pant a phosperous fertilizer and some cheap nitrogen salts
Well its an outdoor grow and i have only noticed this problem yesterday...I'm using molasses epsom salt bloom fert for the flowering pant a phosperous fertilizer and some cheap nitrogen salts

Well even tho ya din't answer my question I can't resist offering a couple more thoughts:

"Molasses epsom salt bloom fert" sounds (please forgive me) like some kind of hillbilly concoction. Why half-ass it and risk your grow and all the work you put into it when fertilizers that are custom formulated and tested, tried-and-true, are available for cannabis now?

Similarly, "cheap nitrogen salts" sounds like trying to raise healthy children by feeding 'em Cokes & cookies.

There's a rule they teach in agronomy called "Liebig's Law of the Minimum" that states that you can have 100% of every required nutrient but one, and that one nutrient that's in short supply will still ruin your grow.

Feed your plants with balanced fertilizers, even if it's Home Center bagged fertilizer, and you will get much better results.

Read up! The info's out there!

Sorry if I scolded. Good luck!
Kinda roughed me up there but its a new grower, actually never grew before but im also using a balanced fertilizer and i feed every other day...and i don't live in America so i use whats offered in my country and i cant go to stores asking whats best for weed so its trial and error so i guess imma get it eventually thanks for the assisstance anyway
Kinda roughed me up there but its a new grower, actually never grew before but im also using a balanced fertilizer and i feed every other day...and i don't live in America so i use whats offered in my country and i cant go to stores asking whats best for weed so its trial and error so i guess imma get it eventually thanks for the assisstance anyway

I apologize again for the tone. I do hope my answer may have been of help.
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