

New Member
i recently put some MG blooming nut's in on of my plants and now i got some FFBB & FFTB and i would love to add them to her like the rest of them . "PLEASE HELP"
Re: Help ????

I don't understand. So you used MG nutes and got some fox farm nutes and wanna know when you can start the fox farm nutes, is that correct?

Just make sure to start at 1/4 strength per gallon of h2o and you'll be fine. Just try to not use anything MG again lol.
Re: Help ????

yea correct .............. so i dont have to flush her? (1/4 strength got it) "THANKS"
Re: Help ????

I would only if there are signs of nute burn and then hold off for a few days. But if theres no signs of nute burn I would say your good to go.
Re: Help ????

THANKS again,i looked @ your grow i started my grow from bag seeds.are u gonna stick with those cfl's. i'm using the same (26) in a 3X6X6 box.--GOOD-LUCK--
Re: Help ????

Yup I plan to flower with those cfls. Ill probally add another 4 in when my seedlings get bigger. I hope you decide to make a grow journal so I can keep up with your work and progress. Peace. :roorrip:
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