Hemp Art Journal

Flynn, you are truly amazing. I would be honored if someday I bought some of your work. You've reminded me that even though there's pain to suffer through, there will always be things like this that can help me through it.

Very well spoken,Khulna and I am honored that something I have made can be an inspiration.:cheesygrinsmiley:
As usual, you continue to produce beautiful pieces!
This one I am very proud of.It is simple,and at the same time is elegant.The beads complement one another.As with all things I have to give credit where credit is due,and that credit is due to my Muse.For without her this necklace could of taken many shapes and sizes,but because of her unknown contribution I feel it became something truly beautifully.It may never match the beauty of the one from which it's inspiration was drawn,but as long as the Muse knows what she has done for me, that is all that matters.

nice man! i like watching your work progress. probably because it looks so damn good.
I got some hemp hair wraps in my hair(around my dreads). I want a few more though, I like lots of shit in my hair.
Re: Hempat Art Journal

As you can see with the pictures of the bead when I started,that I had a completely different idea when I started,than what I ended up with.This happens more often than not.It brings to mind a quote from Stephan King out of the collection of short stories tittled The Body(Stand by Me)

"The most important things are the hardest things to say.They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish them words shrink things that seemed limitless in your head to no more than living size when brought out.But it's more than that isn't it?The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried.Like landmarks to a treasure your enemy would love to steal away.And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way,not understanding what you just said,or why you almost cried while you were saying it.That's the worst I think,when the secret stays locked within,not for want of a teller but for want of an understanding ear."
:whoa: nice quote :whoa:
:grinjoint: you are very welcome :grinjoint:

hemp will save the world one day. i hope i see that day soon.
OK kiddies this will be the next project.I had to search the whole house to find scraps long enough to finish this one,because I ran out of that spool.It's going to be a bracrlet,but I'm going to do something truely funky with it,I just don't know what yet.Again don't look too long as you will go blind.

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