Hempcon San Bernardino 2015


New Member
Who went to Hempcon this year and what did you think?

We went and it being our first Hempcon event, we enjoyed it but there is a lot of room for improvement.

The concert should have been held in the common area of the event, not in the Prop 215 legal area.
At 7:00 pm, they opened the gates to allow anyone in to see the concert, whether they were legal or not.
This put undo responsibility on all of the Vendors to check Photo IDs and Medical cards to EVERYONE they talked to. A lot of Vendors left early because of this.

The music was so ridiculously loud that you could not even talk to Vendors or each other. A little variety of rock music would have been nice instead of ALL rap music. Some of us are the older generation.

Lastly, their way of forcing people to buy the "All Weekend Pass" is to say "No in and outs" for people who bought only a one day ticket. If you buy a weekend pass, you can go in and out all you want.
It would have been nice to be able to walk back to the car to get a jacket for the evening chill or put some of the items we purchased away.

All that aside, It was a really cool experience. The Vendors showing all of their medicines and offering samples.
Vendors giving away treat bags. We met a lot of really cool people there and spent a lot of money on items both medicinal and non-medicinal. We learned of a lot of new products out there we weren't aware of.
Most everyone was selling their stuff at wholesale prices.

We are already looking forward to the next one but hope they find a better way to hold their concerts. :Namaste:
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