Hempfest 2009 At Myrtle Edwards Park Is A Big Event Among Evergreen Students

It's no secret that the Evergreen State College has a somewhat specific and distinct reputation. It seems to be one of the many amazing factors that entice people to become new students at the school. Of course the college has many defining attributes that puts it near the top of the list of Schools That Change Lives, but it's also number 1 of another list: the Top Ten Counterculture Colleges by High Times.

" These are not party schools for stupid stoners, but places where intelligent users of cannabis can receive a quality education. What's the difference? Smart stoners use the herb when appropriate, either as a tool to enhance creativity, or as a medicine to relieve stress, while stupid stoners abuse it through inappropriate use"

That's why the activity on everyone's mind at Evergreen is Hempfest 09. Seattle Hempfest is the world's largest annual gathering advocating decriminalization of marijuana for uses including but not limited to medicinal, industrial, and recreational.

The festival is not for people who abuse drugs for their own benefit, but for the way it can benefit mankind if the roadblock of the law was dismantled. Among the many benefits advocates speak for during the festival are Hemp as a biomass fuel, which to produce requires the least specialized growing and processing procedures of all hemp products, Hemp which produces more pulp per acre than timber on a sustainable basis, and the fact that the area that has generated the most capital has been the medical marijuana industry.

But especially in our current crisis how it can boost the economy. The combined tax revenue, jobs created, and commerce generated by all of the industries utilizing cannabis since the repeal of prohibition have been largely credited for playing a role in the long-term recovery of the U.S. economy. The extra revenue that has been both saved and generated by the repeal of cannabis prohibition has been spent on reducing hard drug abuse, which in return has reduced gun demand and crime.

The 2008 Seattle Hempfest, which took place August 16-17, set a new record for attendance, topping 310,000 people. The volunteers of Seattle Hempfest were awarded the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) award for "Outstanding Cannabis Advocate of the Year Award" on October 17, 2008 at the National NORML Conference for their efforts.

Evergreen students will be attending I'm sure, but not for the methods that the government and authoritative figures see it as (an illegal drug that contaminates minds and destroys lives). They will be there to speak or support for the positive and beneficial uses it has.

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Examiner.com
Author: Daniel Sieden
Contact: Examiner.com
Copyright: 2009 Clarity Digital Group LLC d/b/a Examiner.com
Website: Hempfest 2009 At Myrtle Edwards Park Is A Big Event Among Evergreen Students
I know this might sound stupid but when is Hempfest.Man that must be awesome to experience the unity of so many pot smoker.The way life should be.
Awesome, thanks for the info,Do you know what states dont allow glass pipes tp be shipped to.I want to start a online store,but a lot nervous..I will smoke about it untill I get a answer
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