Here's a MJ related news story

Vermont Farmer Angry Over Pot Arrest is Accused of Crushing Cop Cars with Tractor

Working in a stout former bank building with windows closed and air conditioners humming, Orleans County sheriff's deputies didn't know what was happening in their parking lot until a neighbor called 911.

A man on a big farm tractor, angry about his recent arrest for resisting arrest and marijuana possession, was rolling across their vehicles -- five marked cruisers, one unmarked car and a transport van.

By the time they ran outside, the tractor was down the driveway and out onto the road.

With their vehicles crushed, "We had nothing to pursue him with," said Chief Deputy Philip Brooks.

Thursday afternoon's incident ended when city police in Newport, the county seat of the northern Vermont county, caught up with Roger Pion, 34, a short distance away.

No one was injured. At least two deputies had gone inside a few moments before after washing their vehicles, officials said.

"Nobody was hurt. That's the thing everybody's got to cherish," said Sheriff Kirk Martin.

Brooks said late Thursday afternoon it was uncertain what new charges Pion would face. He said Pion was being held by the Vermont State Police at their barracks in nearby Derby. A dispatcher there referred questions to the sheriff's department.

Sheriffs said they did not know if Pion had a lawyer. A phone number for him could not be located.

Martin estimated damage to the vehicles at more than $300,000. Not only were their roofs and hoods caved in, "the radios are ruined, the radar detectors, the cages in the cars ... We're going to have to get the jaws of life up here to pry the trunks open and see about the rifles and shotguns," Martin said.

Brooks said the vehicles destroyed constituted more than half the fleet of sheriff's cruisers in the rural county on the Canadian border. Others were out on patrol at the time of the incident.

Source: Vermont farmer angry over pot arrest is accused of crushing cop cars with tractor | Fox News
From Oct. 2014,
Vermont decides not to prosecute man charged with driving tractor over police cars

Vermont decides not to prosecute man charged with driving tractor over police cars |

A Vermont man who two years ago made national headlines after he was arrested for crushing seven police vehicles with his dad's tractor in protest of his arrest for marijuana possession will not be charged with a crime, according to reports.

The Caledonian Record of Newbury, Vermont, reports that Roger Pion will not be prosecuted. The newspaper reports State’s Attorney Alan Franklin and defense attorney Chandler Matson agreed that Pion, 36, of Newbury, was insane at the time of the Aug. 2, 2012 incident.

According to the Associated Press, Pion pleaded not guilty to the charges. In the months that followed his arrest, he was declared incompetent to stand trial and he was hospitalized as recently as January and is still undergoing treatment.

An evaluation since then determined that he is now competent.

Police have said that Pion was enraged at his arrest for marijuana possession. He took his father’s tractor and drove over six police cruisers and one van belonging to the Orleans County Sheriff’s Department and literally flattened them. The damage was estimated at $300,000.

Pion was apprehended a short distance away after police finally caught up to him and the tractor. A sheriff’s deputy at the time was quoted saying “We had nothing to chase him with.”

In the months that followed, Pion became a folk hero on the Internet, particularly among groups opposed to oppressive government and police overreach.

Multiple fan sites titled “Free Roger Pion” and “Support Roger Pion” popped up on Facebook. There were also multiple images depicting Pion as a modern day patriot standing up against the forces of tyranny.

The website Free Thought Project, which rails against police abuses, heralded the news of no prosecution of Pion with an article headlined: “Man Crushes 7 Cop Cars with a Tractor and Gets Away with it, Like a Boss."
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