Hey guys, check it and see


Active Member
Hey guys, just joined recently after reading many posts. I started my own grow and thought it'd be fun to post my journey from an amateur photographers prospective as well as to use this forum to ask questions and help others when the time comes. Until then, enjoy my photos for what they're worth and continue doing what you guys have been doing.


You know, I'm not really sure. She's one of two girls I started from some freebie Afghan Kush Ryder that came with my order. Being that this is my first grow, I've been taking it slow trying to learn as much as possible. So for instance if something happens to both plants, I'll apply my test remedy to one and not the other and watch for changes. If conditions improve then I'll apply the same remedy to the other. I'm hoping that doing this grow that way, I'll gain a lot of experience quickly.

So, any suggestions for some names?

Here's girl #1 - Growing big not not as healthy looking as #2

and girl #2 - Smaller yet very good looking

I'd tell you but it won't let me send PMs until 50 posts. I wouldn't want to bring trouble to the company that sold them to me by posting their name to a public forum but if you check the advertisers of this forum that sells single seeds, it should be obvious.

Some relatively current photos of my girls. I'm assuming I have a bit of a nute burn as the leaves are curling up and some yellow spots are developing so I washed with clean water today to counter the effects. I learned today that Cannabis plants smell up a room all the time, not just when they flower. Enjoy.



Oh and I think I had the tint off from my photos because the plants seem much much greener in real life. Kind of that super dark green that's indicative of too much nitrogen. But again, this grow is for me to experiment and learn as needed.

Comments are welcome and appreciated.

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