Hi! from W. WA.


New Member
:ciao: Hi!
New to this board, thought I'd give a shout out.
Long, long time smoker, started vaping about a year ago. I vape exclusively
now, easier on the lungs, with the occasional edible. I've narrowed it down to the Macic Flight Launch Box, it's now my two and only vape. It's very stealthy, and you would not believe how little herb I use.
I have and do grow, just not growing currently, too busy with medical issues to do it properly, Thats about to change though. I do live in a MMJ state, but Washington and their MMJ laws are all f_____d up. Which has kept me from obtaining a MMJ card, that and my primary care docs are all V.A. Hospital. They still won't put their asses on the line for MMJ.
Twenty-eight months ago I had a post-femoral (above the knee) amputation of the left leg, hence the name Ihop, cause I do. I have a $50,000 C-Leg prosthetic, courtesy of the aforementioned V.A. I still get pain in the residual limb, and often muscle spasms. Thats where th MJ comes in, it helps when sometimes nothing else does. Well, that's about it in a nutshell. Hello!

Hi Ihop, :welcome: to the 420Magazine forums. :welcome:
Sorry to hear about your leg, bless you for being a vet.
Growing your own meds is the only way to go.
If you need help to get started, check-out the links in my signature.
Don't be shy, I'll see you around the forums.
Thank you for sharing Ihop. :welldone:
420 welcomes you.
Please take your time and get to know us all here.
We have a fantastic Community and you will be a Fantastic Addition.
Looking forward in hearing more and seeing you in the Forums. :thumb:
Please Enjoy.
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