High iron levels in water


New Member
Hello everybody I have just finished a second grow I have been using public water and letting it stand uncovered for 3 days before using it. but soon there will be a high charge on this water so im considering drilling a well but where I live is known for high iron levels in the water so a iron and magnesium filter will have to be fitted. My worry is that changing water will mess everything up the public water is great because its got a bit of lime in it which keeps the ph perfect. What effect will this water have on my grow. I use Ionic Nutes( Growth Technology ) and im growing in all mix soil. all replies will be appreciated and Thank You in advance.:green_heart:
Hi and thank you for your reply your new product sounds great but do u deliver to Europe if I go down the road of
drilling the well drops of balance may be what I will need but im beginning to think that I should just pay the water
charge because the results have been pretty good with that water supply so far and I don't think that im prepared
ruin it. But thank you very much for trying to help me. :peace:
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