House Pot Painting


New Member
I am glad to see that over 69% of america thinks it should NOT be illegal. That is just one more step forward in this uphill battle. I am glad to see these types of articles in the mainstream media. Especially when they have polls, and boards where people can post ideas, and information to inform those who have been lied to all this time.
And yes, I know it's a repost, I just wanted people to see.:allgood:
If more people made it public that they enjoy pot, others would realize that it is not the big, evil drug that it is made out to be.

Unfortunatly us potheads still have to worry about the law :(
So true :( If people realized how many people actually smoked wouldn't be a big deal. I am sure that there are at least 50 million or more people who smoke marijuana on a regular basis. They are just too scared to admit it. And the problem with that is, because they do not admit it...the only ones who will stand up for our rights and theres are us. We are those "stupid potheads". Even though we pay our taxes, have jobs, and contribute to society. I am in a bad mood tonight, just because it is rediculous that we can not smoke herb, while people are allowed to have an entire day to drink alcohol till they vomit, drive home, and wrap there cars around a pole. How many accidents do you think are caused on 4-20? Not very many! If they are, I really doubt any stoners were involved. When we get fucked up, we do not think it's a good idea to drive 90mph in the suburbs, we drive 35 because we think we are driving too fast!!! ARG! ARG!!! heh...sorry. I'm dry!
You bring up good points.

I think a lot of people would be surprised to know how many people around them smoke pot.
if the people would not listen to people like bush and blair that say all the money from pot goes to terror groups, and the money will be used to fight america, and so on and on, herion from the popie fields in afganastan I can see that but not from pot. just leave the pot smokers alone and hasle the hardcore drugs.:peace:
I heard them mention this on the news but didn't get to see a picture. Why would anyone get bent out of shape about those paintings? All it says is HEMP with some leaves drawn on it. If you really wanted to do something like that why not go totally crazy and draw buds and plants all over your house? Making certain pictures illegal is like saying "I don't like cats, so you cannot paint them on your own house, it's illegal." Stuff like this is protected under the first ammendment and if other people don't like it then they are just going to have to drink their own tears and call them rainwater. Good post dude.
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