How 2 have NO water spots?


New Member
whats the best way to prevent / remove water spots from your plants??:smokin:
Maybe watering the soil rather than the plants themselves would help. Just a guess.
Wipe them down with a damp cloth. If your foliar feeding your going to want to do it as the lights go outl. This will help prevent the spottting from getting bad and will allow your plants to feed off the foliar feed more. Thats unless the nutrients' label says otherwise. I wipe my plants about once a week or as I see needed. Keeping clean leaf surfaces will help keep the plants stomata from clogging from dirt or dust. hope this info helps you out:goodluck:
Thanks for the info Butcher! the thing that is worrying me is it was RO water and i even pH'd it down to 7.0 (maybe i should have added dish soap...?).
Now i have some small yellow specks on the leafs?
Now i will say that up untill yesterday they were under a 1000w MH bulb no more then a foot above them. is it from the water or the light?!?! :thanks:

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