How does cannabis affect fitness?


New Member
Hi all! :welcome:

Anyone that has felt the effects of cannabis can probably say they've experienced the heart-racing sensation of being high.

If simply being high increases the heart rate to levels of a moderately paced run which lasts for a reasonable time period, would it not have a similar effect on the cardiovascular system as going for a jog?

I've read elsewhere that cannabis users are generally thinner and have better metabolisms. I wish I could remember the link so that I could reference it, but unfortunately I read it quite a while ago.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts and comments! :thanks: :Namaste:
Speaking for myself, smoking has always resulted in poor cardiovascular health. It's detrimental to the lungs, so that method absolutely does not have those positive effects.

Using a vaporizer is better, though I can't say that it isn't at all unhealthy to the cardiovascular system. Basically your lungs get coated over and over with warm/hot resin, which depletes their effectiveness to a certain extent.

Consuming oils/edibles has zero effect on the lungs, as opposed to the other methods, but I've never felt like I've had a better metabolism or been thinner. The only time my system feels the positive effects that you've mentioned is when I consume the plant raw.

Comparing the sped up heart rate by means of consuming cannabis to caffeine consumption, it's not healthy either way. The heart isn't supposed to be tachycardic, and it's actually bad for the long-term well-being of that organ [and the rest of the system]. Consuming a high CBD, zero THC plant does not produce a fast heart rate... and through anti-inflammatory means [and otherwise], one's metabolism and cardiovascular health can improve. Either way, consuming the plant raw is ideal unless you just want to feel high. And again, an artificially sped up heart isn't necessarily a good/healthy thing.

Cheers :cheesygrinsmiley:
Speaking for myself, smoking has always resulted in poor cardiovascular health. It's detrimental to the lungs, so that method absolutely does not have those positive effects.

Using a vaporizer is better, though I can't say that it isn't at all unhealthy to the cardiovascular system. Basically your lungs get coated over and over with warm/hot resin, which depletes their effectiveness to a certain extent.

Consuming oils/edibles has zero effect on the lungs, as opposed to the other methods, but I've never felt like I've had a better metabolism or been thinner. The only time my system feels the positive effects that you've mentioned is when I consume the plant raw.

Comparing the sped up heart rate by means of consuming cannabis to caffeine consumption, it's not healthy either way. The heart isn't supposed to be tachycardic, and it's actually bad for the long-term well-being of that organ [and the rest of the system]. Consuming a high CBD, zero THC plant does not produce a fast heart rate... and through anti-inflammatory means [and otherwise], one's metabolism and cardiovascular health can improve. Either way, consuming the plant raw is ideal unless you just want to feel high. And again, an artificially sped up heart isn't necessarily a good/healthy thing.

Cheers :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thank you, OnlyOrganic!

That was exactly the kind of answer I was hoping to get: insight from someone with first hand experience.

In my experience, even though my appetite is stimulated and I eat about as much as I normally would (and sometimes more), and the food is often more unhealthy, I feel that smoking has resulted in me losing weight when if I ate the same amount and kind of food normally I would gain weight.

This leads me to believe that my metabolism has been increased by the cannabis. Is that a possibility?

I know that caffeine is an effective metabolic enhancer. Could this potential similarity between caffeine and cannabis be as a result of the increased heart rates?

I am just so fascinated by the effects of cannabis. :circle-of-love:

But again OnlyOrganic, thank you for your input! :thanks: :high-five:
In my experience, even though my appetite is stimulated and I eat about as much as I normally would (and sometimes more), and the food is often more unhealthy, I feel that smoking has resulted in me losing weight when if I ate the same amount and kind of food normally I would gain weight.

This leads me to believe that my metabolism has been increased by the cannabis. Is that a possibility?

I know that caffeine is an effective metabolic enhancer. Could this potential similarity between caffeine and cannabis be as a result of the increased heart rates?

Both caffeine and cannabis have the potential to increase metabolism. This is due to certain elements that increase the amount of energy the body burns. In the case of cannabis, those elements are THC and CBD. I'm not an expert on the subject, so I can't actually say how much of an affect the increase in heart rate directly has on metabolism or weight loss. Though no matter how the increase of energies occurs, any subsequent increase of activity/exercise could absolutely contribute to a higher metabolism and loss of weight. Being a more active individual is good for health all around. So if there are certain strains that promote a more active lifestyle, then that can only be a good thing.

Even if there are similarities between caffeine and cannabis for an increased metabolism, I would never recommend anyone consuming caffeine long-term. There are so many potentially life-threatening heart problems that can happen down the road. Though obviously cannabis has never been linked to any sort of heart disease or death, and I would have no hesitation in my recommendation of that plant (keeping in mind that certain methods of consumption are far healthier than others).

You're absolutely right, the effects of cannabis/hemp are indeed fascinating and fun to think/talk about/experiment with. :cheesygrinsmiley:
So going back to my original question, am I correct in saying that the reason that the tachycardia (cool word btw!) experienced as a result of cannabis intoxication, not merely ingestion, is different to cardiovascular exercise simply because of the nature of the stress put on the cardiovascular system?

I wish I knew how the heart functioned better so I could understand the difference between the increased heart rate from running and a chemically-induced increased heart rate!

You're a cool guy OnlyOrganic! Very knowledgable! I correct in saying that the reason that the tachycardia (cool word btw!) experienced as a result of cannabis intoxication, not merely ingestion, is different to cardiovascular exercise simply because of the nature of the stress put on the cardiovascular system?
The biggest difference is that by natural, physical activity, the cardiovascular system is actually being relieved of stress. By walking, running, etc., blood flow is increased throughout the body. And even though the heart beats faster, it's allowed to do it's job with ease and is strengthened.

When the hearts beats faster due to drug/chemical consumption, the heart is being forced to work extra hard. And the body is not reaping the benefits of increased blood flow, necessarily. In fact, more often than not people will feel colder hands/feet when their heart is 'tachy'. That's because unnecessary stress is being placed on the heart in an unnatural way.

So even if a faster heart rate (due to any circumstance) increases metabolism, it does not necessarily mean an increase in health (especially heart health).

I've had issues pertaining to heart/blood health in the past (tachycardia, blood pressure, etc.), and am doing my best to speak from experience. Thanks so much for positive feedback, and I really appreciate the conversation. :cheesygrinsmiley:
*Puts down cup of coffee, picks up fat joint* :Namaste:

caffeine is widely studied and nearly universally used in the form of coffee and tea. it is used long term by most of earths inhabitants.
cheeba and coffee are a happy healthy couple. as a former elite athlete i would not use mj in training or during competition. just the psychological doubts generated by its use would generate a potential disadvantage. enough for me to abstain until schedule clears.

i would almost always use coffee/tea during those same times. with excellent results esp as i was aging.
I'll just throw one more thing out there [from a couple of different sources]:

And that's not taking into account complications created by caffeine due to heart palpitations, high blood pressure, or heart disease. It is also worth noting that just because most people do something, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's healthy. Most people eat deep fried foods, and we certainly know that it's not beneficial to our well-being.

VonDankenhoek, I completely understand where you're coming from within the context of athletic competition. Although there are certain olympic athletes who have achieved incredible goals all the while using cannabis recreationally. Certainly do what you feel is best for you. Just keep in mind which drug/plants are proven to be more dangerous than others, regardless of what the general population does/believes.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :cheesygrinsmiley:
caffeine is widely studied and nearly universally used in the form of coffee and tea. it is used long term by most of earths inhabitants.
cheeba and coffee are a happy healthy couple. as a former elite athlete i would not use mj in training or during competition. just the psychological doubts generated by its use would generate a potential disadvantage. enough for me to abstain until schedule clears.

i would almost always use coffee/tea during those same times. with excellent results esp as i was aging.

VonDankenhoek, thank you! :high-five:

You've brought up some really interesting points!

It is true that many people consume caffeine daily in some way or another. But I must agree with OnlyOrganic on this one; caffeine isn't necessarily harmless, and in fact I think that overexposure would be quite harmful. :hmmm:

Coffee and cannabis is a match made in heaven. I love it. After discussing with OnlyOrganic I imagine that taking 2 substances which unnaturally stimulate heart rate could be quite dangerous if done in excess. From experience I don't recall feeling my heart rate being any faster after consuming just coffee, or just cannabis, or coffee and cannabis in combination, so I might be wrong on that.

the psychological doubts generated

I love this. LOVE IT. The fact that cannabis may or may not negatively affect health and fitness, but is widely seen as a destructive substance (sigh...) is such a valid point! The psychology behind it is so interesting. I would love to see the effect on fitness of two similar groups who both ingest cannabis, but one group is told that they are ingesting placebo. What would the result be? Mind-blowing, I would imagine! :geek: :smokin:

Now, do you think that your use of caffeine as a stimulant was seen as a positive addition to your training simply because of its widespread use as a pre-workout supplement and as a tool by athletes? I know that there is scientific evidence backing caffeine as an effective stimulant. But I wonder if just like you wouldn't use cannabis to train as it might have negative effects, you used caffeine because it might have positive effects and the possibility of that gave you a psychological advantage? I know it's a little crazy, but I'd love to hear your thoughts!
The biggest difference is that by natural, physical activity, the cardiovascular system is actually being relieved of stress. By walking, running, etc., blood flow is increased throughout the body. And even though the heart beats faster, it's allowed to do it's job with ease and is strengthened.

When the hearts beats faster due to drug/chemical consumption, the heart is being forced to work extra hard. And the body is not reaping the benefits of increased blood flow, necessarily. In fact, more often than not people will feel colder hands/feet when their heart is 'tachy'. That's because unnecessary stress is being placed on the heart in an unnatural way.

So even if a faster heart rate (due to any circumstance) increases metabolism, it does not necessarily mean an increase in health (especially heart health).

I've had issues pertaining to heart/blood health in the past (tachycardia, blood pressure, etc.), and am doing my best to speak from experience. Thanks so much for positive feedback, and I really appreciate the conversation. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Absolutely captivating. My mind is working overtime right now!

Everything you've said makes a lot of sense to me. I don't like it, but I have to accept that the logic is sound and I can't think of anything that could disprove anything you've said!

Do you know why the heart beats faster but does not increase blood flow when in a "tachy" state (other than the fact that it is unnaturally induced)? I have never noticed my hand or feet temperature dropping as a result of caffeine or cannabis, but that is probably because I have never looked for it. Next time I will definitely check!

I am definitely not planning on unsatisfactory heart health in the future, so I will need to keep monitoring myself and remembering this conversation. :thumb: So thank you for sharing your knowledge and your own experiences with me!

And again, thank you very much for the full, informative answer! :Namaste: :thanks:
Idk i allways get high helps keep the pain down and dont feel as sore thevnext day i workout about 5 days a week about and hour at a time weed does help me
with caffeine i felt completely confident of the effect it would generate. the effect would be familiar and easy to manage dosage. the stimulation would be modulated to mesh with my desired level of exertion. it didnt fuck with my physical comfort level. i have had a lifetime of coffee drinking and always look forward to the effects. if i had intense training or competition in the later PM i would use tea instead.

i would be OK with using mj to surf or train casually. but never for a potentially dangerous or exhausting activity. it would just feel like i was being blase about something that required respect and focus.
Well also depends on the effect of the weed usually i like having a head high and exercise helps me focus i usualy take one good hit out a 2ft bong and take a pre workout then bam im good for an hour of pushing it to the limit but to each the own helps me im in the best shape ive been in my life
Idk i allways get high helps keep the pain down and dont feel as sore thevnext day i workout about 5 days a week about and hour at a time weed does help me

Hey Greendad! :)

So you feel that cannabis helps you recover from stiffness? Or muscle hypertrophy?

How else does it help you? :ganjamon:

Well also depends on the effect of the weed usually i like having a head high and exercise helps me focus i usualy take one good hit out a 2ft bong and take a pre workout then bam im good for an hour of pushing it to the limit but to each the own helps me im in the best shape ive been in my life

I agree, I can't imagine exercising with a couchlock :lot-o-toke:

It's an interesting pre-workout routine; I might just try it out!
Idk i allways get high helps keep the pain down and dont feel as sore thevnext day i workout about 5 days a week about and hour at a time weed does help me

Well also depends on the effect of the weed usually i like having a head high and exercise helps me focus i usualy take one good hit out a 2ft bong and take a pre workout then bam im good for an hour of pushing it to the limit but to each the own helps me im in the best shape ive been in my life

with caffeine i felt completely confident of the effect it would generate. the effect would be familiar and easy to manage dosage. the stimulation would be modulated to mesh with my desired level of exertion. it didnt fuck with my physical comfort level. i have had a lifetime of coffee drinking and always look forward to the effects. if i had intense training or competition in the later PM i would use tea instead.

i would be OK with using mj to surf or train casually. but never for a potentially dangerous or exhausting activity. it would just feel like i was being blase about something that required respect and focus.

I understand that the effects of caffeine are very predictable and consistent. I suppose that reliability isn't shared in cannabis, as every nug is different in some way or another. I respect your admiration for your warm drinks :ganjamon:

I agree completely with your comment about respecting and focusing on the activity. I don't think being high is a bad thing at all, but it does in all honesty impair one somewhat if taken in substantial doses.
Yeah that's why I try to stick to just one hit and not go over board but my wife drives us to the gym so it helps lol couldn't do it myself I personally think being hi and driving is just as bad a drinking and driving
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