How long to flush outdoor/sun grown plants?

I guess I have been misinformed.
You arent the only one. So many people today have lost sight of what a flush really is and why it is done. Also, so many of the old tried and true methods passed down to us from the '60s have been found to be able to be improved on, and several myths from that era have been debunked by modern science and constant grow experiments such as those done on these forums. You have to be very careful what you believe anymore, because anyone can get on Youtube and proclaim themselves an expert.

You asked the right questions... now you need to figure out why I answered the way I did and why it conflicts with what you thought you knew to be fact. Good luck! The truth is out there if you look for it and follow the right people... the people who actually are on the cutting edge and proving it every day, documenting each step of the way, successes and failures, with pictures and descriptions of what is going on.

So, to sort of give you the answer to your question...
We now know that giving your plant only water for two weeks at the end, is detrimental to the further growth of that plant. Yes, the ancients were correct that if you starve a plant to death in the last two weeks, it puts its all into finishing out, and in that last dying effort, produce some pretty good buds. What we learned by studying organically fed plants, is that a plant fed right up to the end is much better than one that has been starved in that critical last two weeks of bud finishing. We learned that it is best to give the plant everything it needs, right up to the end, simply by being able to observe so many plants on the internet, in forums just like this one.
There was also a belief that without starving the plant till the end and forcing it to use all of its resources stored in the leaves, you would end up with end product that tasted like nutes.

Two pieces of illogical thought exist in this assumption. First, we don't smoke the leaves, we smoke the buds. Why would it matter if the leaves were all drained so as to finish out the buds, if we don't smoke them? Second, modern science has stepped in and we have been able to analyze our buds for nute content, and we find that nothing ends up in the buds that shouldn't be there. Studying just a little bit of botany informs us that the plant doesn't send raw nutrients up to the buds... it first converts them into sugars and other building blocks that the buds need, and that is what is sent up to build the buds. That realization shed further light and importance onto our curing process, in which we now know that it is the cure that removes all of the harsh tastes from our smoke. Curing is that special time and method of processing our product that it turns out, is every bit as important as how we grow the product in the first place.
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