How often do you change bong water?


Well-Known Member
How often do you change the water in your waterpipe? Personally, I like it fresh, so about every other bowl for me.
Every bowl or two. I empty it out after every sesh, otherwise it's disgusting.
J842P said:
Every bowl or two. I empty it out after every sesh, otherwise it's disgusting.

I agree. Reason why I ask is I have heard of people who NEVER bother to change it. Gross!
RooRman said:
I agree. Reason why I ask is I have heard of people who NEVER bother to change it. Gross!
Yeah man, I don't understand those people.
I like to keep a big glass bottle of water in the fridge, that way the water is nice and cold. Gonna go change it now and pack a fresh bowl.
start wit a fresh bowl of water before every session,,,belle that! lol
Sonny Cheeba said:
start wit a fresh bowl of water before every session,,,belle that! lol

Thats how I do. I like nice fresh cold water every time I light up a bowl. It cools the smoke better plus it just feels better.
When i got my newest bong i made a pact w/some friends not to change it until we raged an oz through it. A week later this beautiful 3 foot glass bong was colored in soooo nicely, but the bong water was DISGUSTING. After changing it it brought a whole new life to it. I now change it every day or 2, especially if i forget to take the ice out of it and it melts into the bottom pod.

ALSO: Someone take their really dirty ass bong water and put it under a black light in a dark room. I dont know if anyone else has discovered this but its cool as hell.
after every session cause we are far too lazy to change water between bowls
i change the water everytime i use mine. i dont understand why people would want to keep the water in their bong. thats just asking for a spill and then a big mess to clean up.
it also depends on what you do with it after you smoke. Some people dont have to hide their bong and can just leave it out, but some people like me have to put their shit away so the parents dont see it. and since i have to put in in my closet i just dump the shit out so, beause onething i dont want is for that dirty water spelling all over my stuff.
Meidum size hurricane gets changed every bowl and the big PHx only gets changed twice a day. The PHx hold ALOT of water so doesn't need to be changed as often. Plus they each get a sparkling cleaning once or twice a week with salt and alchohol and some pipe cleaners for the bowls.
Not nearly enough. every few days or so?? basically when i look at it and think to myself..."damn, thats gross, i should change it!"
but back when i lived with the rents, i would empty it every night before bed.
I NEVER change my water, how did the old saying go, "The blacker the water, The sweeter the hit"...

...By the way I'm joking, I change it every day I use it, when not in use it sits empty... Unless I pass out from using it...
I change it when it looks or tastes like it needs to be changed.
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