How often to feed plants when in 12/12


New Member
I am about to change my water for my DWC. How to go about cleaning and how often to feed it. What's is the best nutrients to use for blooming my plants.
Re: how often to feed plants when in 12/12.

Monster Bloom is good. Has Micronutrients that others dont. Its a lot of personal preference. Nothing with hormones added when flowering though. Oh and dont over do it. Good luck dude.
Re: how often to feed plants when in 12/12.

Typically DWC can go for a while without being changed, however it is not ideal, but possible.

I recommend hydro users change water every week, or bare minimum twice a month.

As far as nutrients, you can give Blue Planet a try as they are sponsors here. Other suggestions would be Botanicares Pure Blend Pro as it is very simple and effective.
Re: how often to feed plants when in 12/12.

I use a lot of plant prod. products in various stages of gardening. I would like to try some of your suggested products though. Can I order on line???
I just order some new ones from gerenal hydro and its say that is the best to use as a first time grower i have some new picks of my plants but i would like to know why my leaves are still yellow and is it an iron def.
Could be a lack of nitrogen or Iron or over feeding can cause the leaves to yellow as well. I would like to try some of the blue planet nutes. Any Idea where to get em?????????? I usually go easy with the nutrients at first. I mix them lighter than it says on the package until I see what the plant will handle.
you maybe can get them on amazon or try goggle it. what do you think is the best way it get the iron that the plant needs.
Hey there Bones can you beam me some of your nutes. across the boarder did not realize you had a website. I want to refine some of my gardening techniques. Sweet I will definately check your site.

P.S. Sorry for the trek reference. Couldnt help it. I wont let it happen again.

Grow forth and prosper my friend. . . . .
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