How to control pH? Importance of kind of water?


420 Member
I’m 5 days into growing and haven’t thought about ph once but I’ve seen it really does make a difference in the bud so I wanna change that. What ph should my plant be at right now and also in further stages should it change? Also water, ive been using purified bottle water, is that okay ? N lastly I’ve read in fox farm soil u don’t have to add nuts till around week 4-6 is this right ?
With purified water you are not giving you plants some of the macro nutrients they need like Barron, Iron, Sulpher etc. I consider myself lucky because I use the water from my Turtle and coy pond. The advantage to this is the chlorine gets cooked out froinm the sun and i Get macro and micro nutes from their poop and algee in the poI clean out the filters I have 2- 5 gallon containers that I dilute the muck in the filters and my plants really love it
I’m 5 days into growing and haven’t thought about ph once but I’ve seen it really does make a difference in the bud so I wanna change that. What ph should my plant be at right now and also in further stages should it change? Also water, ive been using purified bottle water, is that okay ? N lastly I’ve read in fox farm soil u don’t have to add nuts till around week 4-6 is this right ?
In fox farms soil you should pH all your fluids going in to 6.3, it will naturally drift up through the useful range. I usually start using nutrients around week 3 or so at 1/4 strength and gradually build up.
When flowering begins I like to add 1 tbsp of molasis per gallon (For soil only) which drasticaly lowers my 7.1 ph down to 4.5 so I just add about 1/2 tsp of baking soda and it will bring the ph up to 6.4- 6.8. Highly recommened, the difference in the tri-chromes are evedent.
When flowering begins I like to add 1 tbsp of molasis per gallon (For soil only) which drasticaly lowers my 7.1 ph down to 4.5 so I just add about 1/2 tsp of baking soda and it will bring the ph up to 6.4- 6.8. Highly recommened, the difference in the tri-chromes are evedent.
Gunna try that for sure, also with watering how much and how often should i water my plants if u can put it in stages for me too that would help lol for example rn I’m in week 1 n using a spray bottle I put enough to moisten the top when do I switch to filling the cup to the top w water and if uve ever grown w fox farm when’s good to start adding nuts to the water?
I am a huge fan of fox farms, one reason is they did not sell out to Scotts like some others that I used to use regularly like Botanicare, General Hydroponics, Dutch Hydroponics and several other reputable companies. Each of them were acquired for $130 million each. So hats off to companies like Fox farms and Humbolts Secrete, Advanced Nutrients and a few others. FYI Scotts Mirical grow is made with excess left over chemicals from Monsanto ( The worlds leading poison maker)
well at the start from Week 1 to week 3 or untill at least 3 nodes are visible I water every other day because I use 16 oz solo cups and put in the bottom small river rock about 1/4 way up then FF Ocean Forest mixed with Peralite at a ratio of 70% soil 30% Peralite the rest of the way up. This provides plenty of oxgen to the roots once the take off. Then at week 3-8 I have transplanted into 2 or 5 gallon pots,( the 2 gallon pots will be used for 2 more weeks only then I will put in the ground. Preoaring the ground outside I dig a 3X3 square hole 2 ft deep and once again put PH nuteral river rock about 1/4 way up and again FF ocean forest with Peralite up to about now you have a resevoir when you water. I also have had a problem with snails th cure this I take a bare piece of copper wire and make a circle around the 3x3 hole. Since snails are A-serxual when the slime comes in contact with the copper it gives them a slight shock and they will not cross the wire. this works well. I also have a set up in the attic of my pad with a 1000 watt led and a 1500 watt led which I just bought a slow light mover so now I can accomadate up to 8 plants using techiqunes like LST and topping. So after I 3 weeks since the pots are larger and hold more water I cut back to watering every 3 days alternating with plain pond water and next time I will use nutes. from Week 8-16 when flowering stages are kicking in I slowley change over the nutes from 5-1-2 to 0-10-10 also if using lights never just go from 18 hoiurs on and 6 off to 12 and 12 right away, this will almost always produce hermies in my experiences. I usually drop from 18-6 down to 16-8 for 5 days then drop again to 14-10 for 3 days then 12-12 unless you are using autos. The watering schedual for the first stage of flower will be every other day then for the last 5 weeks you will most likely be watering every day, especially out doors.
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