How to fatten up buds in coco


Well-Known Member
I’m using foxfarm nutes and add botanicare calmag. My buds appear to be very airy they should be ready to harvest in about 2 weeks but I’m wondering if I need to wait longer and if there is anything I can add to dense them up safely with my nutes I’m using


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What's your lights-on temperature? Too high and you'll get airier buds (and will probably see leaf cupping). If you are not adding supplemental CO2, keep your (plant) temperature at or below 88°F - and lower still if you are not giving the plants all the light-energy that they can process. What kind of lighting are you using, how many actual watts, and what size (area) is your grow space?

Some strains are known for producing dense buds; conversely, some strains are known for not producing dense buds. What are you growing?

Might be kind of late now, but are you mixing your nutrients to the proper pH for soil? Feeding every time, or feeding/fasting/feeding? Are you blindly following a "nutrient recipe," or have you read one or more of the many available elemental deficiency/toxicity threads and always make sure that none of your plants look like any of the example pictures in them?

Give cannabis plants what it needs in terms of nutrients (in a way that they can use it), as much light-energy as they are able to process, the proper temperature for the previous, etc., and you'll have buds that are as dense as those specific plants are able to produce. There is a relationship between amount of light-energy, temperature, and amount of CO2. More CO2 allows the plants to process more light-energy, but only at higher temperatures. And so on.

Also, do not harvest plants before they are ready, lol, as they tend to bulk up towards the end.
I wasn’t getting notifications on this for some reason thanks everyone. My set up is on the cheaper end I’m worried maybe my lights aren’t good enough maybe and how do people feel about the fox farm nutes I’m using I add cal mag as well these are my let’s I have2 in the tent


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