How to make oil with organic compounds


New Member
I am sure there are plenty of ways of achieving the same result. I wanted to stay away from hazardous chemicals such as butane, acetone and any other non organic liquid. I am using pure grain alcohol also known as everclear which could be found in only a few states, make sure you have friends in these states. This was my first time working with a large amount so I used loose ends of brick weed and some cuttings, a bit shy of 1/2lbs. The only thing I will do different next time is soak it for a couple of hours instead of a few months. I used a new pair of female stocking to strain, sterilized of course. Also I got some carbonised charcoal and strained the liquid through that so it would reduce the bad taste you get from letting it soak for so long. I thought it would help reduce the green color, which I am sure it did, but the flavor was the beneficiary of the filtering. I used a double boiler with a fan and plenty of fresh air circulating. Be mindful of neighbors though.
Packed my bong with some bud, put way too much oil and hit it. Took me a minute or two before I dared to stand. I ended up with 7gr and plenty of happy friends.
You know I lived in Louisiana and brick weed is very common there. So is Everclear ($12 a bottle). I ended up with a bunch of Mexican brick from multiple 1 ounce purchases because I was trying to get some good stuff (it happens sometimes). I was afraid I was starting to have too much on hand. Louisiana is a dangerous place to have too much weed on hand.

What I did this time was put it in the blender with the Everclear. Because the brick is so compressed that blending helped expose as much of the resin as possible to the alcohol. I guess I just blended it a few times, strained it and boiled it.

Note: Pure grain alcohol boils about 160 degrees and water boils at 212 degrees. So if you use a double boiler you reduce the risk of high temperatures degrading the resin. If you look at the water boiling and then the alcohol boiling you will also notice that the bubbles of alcohol are really tiny.

I made a Very potent oil that I would dab on joints. The joints would bubble like bubble hash. You had to just about light the joint each time you took a hit. I remember sitting by the pool at a nice hotel on Galveston Island, loaded and my body feeling very heavy. I was smoking joints of BlueBerry that were dabbed with the oil.

I tried to prevent it, but eventually all the alcohol evaporated before I could smoke it. What I ended up with was a tar ball of about 20 grams that was totally unworkable. I ended up giving that to my adult son and he and his friends loved it.
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