How You Roll Your J


New Member
How do you guys prefer your joints, longer and thinner or shorter and fatter?

Probably a stupid topic but I'd like to hear some opinions

Edit: Also which way (if any) does it burn slower?
hmm, I like a joint in any form and shape, but personally I'd have to say I like 'em LONG and FAT. :peace:
I like to roll a nice 2 paper fat cone most of the time though I have spun up a few tulips for special occasions. And putting honey on a joint does make it burn a bit slower and taste good with the right weed though watch out cause it tends to drip and that shit is like napalm.
fatty's are dope, but I always go by the time of day and situation,,,lol,,,if it's like 4:20 and I just got home from work,,I'll roll a medium sized J,,,but if it's 8PM or after,,,FATTY!:peace:
I perfer Blunts, long and normal size when alot of heads are on it. if thers like two or three people, short an fat is good, big hits can fuck you up.
I like em medium sized and not too much be just enough weed in them, I like to put them in my cig pack
1 1/4 papers hand rolled, usually a little thinner then a ciggy

When we are a couple, I roll 2 paper jays or cones with 2 papers placed as a 'L'.

I don't like short fat jays, nice and long, not to thin either. Just perfect, lol
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