Hydrohut killers

^Hey Boss, I can't tell you how many times I wanted to recoat/seal mine with something. Its just very difficult to decide what to do it with not knowing the detail of the problem in a factual chemical sense. You always have to wonder about combining effects of anything you might apply with the existing problem which may form even more deadly problems for your plants, or you. I've wiped it down with some weird shit including lemon juice thinking maybe a citric acid bath would leach something out, just ended up with a sweet smelling mess as far as I can tell. You also then have to test with live plants which is both time consuming and painful. Don't know if sealing the whole interior with clear plastic wrap or something would make a difference, but here we go down the road of 'maybe, maybe not'. Like you said, its just easier to return if an option, buy another OEM, or make your own whatever size you want.
It is very insidious in that your plants may be in there a week or two doing fine, then start yellowing at leaf tips looking much like a nute burn. If you pull them out right then and remove from influence, they will generally recover in another 7-10 days of fresh air. So whatever it is slowly leaches in, and slowly vents out. I lost 6 out of 10 just trying to figure what the hell was going on as like most, I thought it was a feed problem. Don't walk, run! To many other options for the same $.
Are all the "older" hydrohuts bad? or did they fix it at some point? I am going to pick up a used hut of CL and was wondering if I should just stay away?
From what I understand the older "White inside" huts were recalled for the most part and the ones you see like that on EBay etc are the recalls being resold so probably stay away from them.
The new "Silver Edition" isnt haveing any troubles as far as I have found my hydro store has one up and running with no issues.
I would buy a hydrohut without thinking twice if they were cheaper
Hey guys....just wanted to give my take on the HydroHuts.

I had two hydrohut Mini's one for veg and one for flower. I bought my Veg tent in late '06 and my flower tent in like June of '07. My veg tent never had the off gassing issue. But during my second grow..my flower tent killed everything. I took some time off after that heartbreak. And after coming back to it like 3 months ago...I found the off-gassing issue in the forums here and immediately wrote HydroHut an email explaining what my issue was. They told me that the recall had ended already, but they would honor my recall if I had the original receipt (luckily I did!). If you still have your receipt email me and I will give you my contact at HydroHut and you can check with him to see if they can replace if for you.

So I got the new Silver Edition....this thing is a complete upgrade over the original!!! It has the same silver/mylar type inside that the Secret Jardin (Dark Room's) have. I still have the original metal frame, but the construction of the tent itself is a a lot better...it seals in the light...no leaking. It's amazing and hopefully with all the venting upgrades I will be able to pull more weight! Look around...you can find deals out there, and whatever you do make sure you get a tent that has the new silver lining. These don't have the off-gassing issue at all! Check it out....


Setting up for third grow...I'm running about 500 Watt of CFL in Veg (spectrum ranging between 5000K and 6500K) and during Flower I plan on running a 430 watt HPS (extra blue spectrum added) and another 160 watts of CFL (4100K). Very excited to see what happens this time. More will come in my journal soon. :cool:
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