I am sorry tired of all e liying!


New Member
OK so I have recently gotten it to in with my family about weather should Medical Marijuana be made legal is be legal or not. It has been a very heat debate but not spoken of to much. On of the resones is the fact that my brother is a Law enforcement offer.

one a personal note I would like to say that for as long as I can remember I have be depressed, had anxiety, major mood swings, self imposed isolation because I just feel like being around people felt like a out sider, and just don't fit in any were. I can remember this going all the way back to my 1s read teacher that told my parents that I was slow and needed to be in a different class the the rest of the class and them she would treat us very rudely. Well my parent took me out of that school and put in in a better school were they did not treat you like that but that the was more than tere share of school bully's and I was not one of them. So in my at the end of my 7th year I was moved to a Public school wear I started smoking pot and found that it helped with my depression, and self ex steam. So it was from that point on that I smoked pot and felt good about my self and yes as a teenager I did try other drugs and yea they did get out of control and had to be sent to treatment for it in my senior year of high school. While that last just over 30 days and I was back to smoke weed with my friend and felt good about it. I knew I was going in the the arm services and could not smoke weed anymore so I drank like a fish for a few month and then decided I did nit like this. After I got out of the service I went several months with out smoking weed and just had a drink ( one was with my Dad and brother when I came home from over seas as a welcome home and my dad said this was the first time the three you us where able to have a drink together and it made him very happy to have both his service sons home from the war and being able to share a drink with us) As a side note my parent get a 12 pack of beer and it last them 6 months or more!! LOL.
So on with my story I have been making it a point to talk to as many people as possible and advising them that I believe it is could be cure, and helps over 100.000 patients deal with the illness to let some person suffer in pain, nausea, PTSD, annexe, depression MS and a list of other problems that has stop them from being a productive tax paying citizen and being denied the medication. Most say "well it is illegal" and I advised them that 16 sates plus the DC have passed laws allowing PCP to prescribe to there patients. But the the federal government REFUSES to even look into the the possibilities of it as medication. I also inform these people that in the 16 states including Washing DC that the sale for the medication was over 1.6 billion dollars and that if it was do correctly that could go a long way in help the current problems that the US government is having. And that is only from 16 states. My view is this Control it, Regulate it, and regulate it just like you do Alcohol and tobacco.

In closing in I have read that over 800,000 to 1,000,000 people are placed in jail ever year of non violent small amount of being in passion of
marijuana I believe that this only is backing up our court rock dockets. IT IS MY WISH TO SUPPORT AS MANY RALLY POSSIBLE AT CHANGE TIME LAW AS i CAN. :welldone:

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