I fucked up, is it all over?


New Member
Alright it goes a little something like this.. I had a nice plant starting to grow it was just starting to produce leaves.. The plant is like 3 inches tall... I went ahead and moved it and accidently brushed something else with it and broke one of the new leaves that just popped up in half.. is this really bad? Will the plant die now? Anyway to fix this? Any help would be appreciated.. The seeds were free so it's not really a big deal, I am growing trying to experiment with these seeds before I go and spend some heavy money on expensive equipment and seeds.. so it would be a real dissapointment. Well any help is appreciated. Let me know.
Damaging them that early can end up sending them into shock and killing them, but if the stalk wasn't damadged it might have a chance. Cannabis is a pretty tough plant. Good luck and if it doesn't make it don't give up.
it sucks for your plant, but as long as it's properly nourished, and getting good light you should be cool. i've had shit happen and as long as they still got the right conditions to grow they'll survive, unless you really fucked it up painfully, then it could go either way, but half a leaf shouldnt fuck it up too bad.
I've done my reading I'm keeping it really well light and just the right amount of water.. the shock factor is what I am scared of. The leaf is not part of the stalk just one of the new actual plant leaves that just sprouted. Thanks for the info guys hope she makes it. I'm really excited to be getting into this new Hobby.
as long as there wasn't any root damage, or any damage to the stalk then all should be good .just give it few days to adjust, make the soil you are transplanting to is damp already. this way there is moisture for the roots already, so you don't have to water after transplant and just let the plant adapt well to new home.
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