Indiana: Support Medical Marijuana Bill

Robert Celt

New Member
Sen. Karen Tallian has introduced Senate Bill 209, which seeks to establish a medical marijuana program in Indiana.

The proposed program would consist of allowing, upon physician recommendations, patients and caregivers the right to possess a certain quantity of marijuana for medical purposes without fear of arrest or incarceration. SB 209 also establishes the Department of Marijuana Enforcement to oversee the program. The bill is well thought out and is detailed in the establishment of both the administration and enforcement of the program. Currently 23 states and the District of Columbia have some form of medical marijuana legislation. SB 209 brings the citizens of Indiana access to a natural treatment alternative outside of the established pharmaceutical industry and their lobbyists. Medical marijuana not only improves the quality of life but saves lives.

At this time, the Committee on Health and Provider Services, chaired by Sen. Patricia Miller, is responsible for advancing SB 209 through the legislative process. This will be the fifth year Tallian has introduced medical marijuana legislation. Over the past four years the committee has refused to even consider similar bills. If Miller has her way, this fifth attempt will suffer the same fate.

Call or write Sen. Miller at (317) 232-9489 or to demand SB 209 be heard in committee. And call or write your senator to let them know you support SB 209.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Indiana: Support Medical Marijuana Bill
Author: Thomas W. Knueven
Contact: IndyStar
Photo Credit: Jennifer Peltz
Website: IndyStar
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