its about time i say hi


New Member
ok.. im a little backwards. i have been on this site about a month now and never introduced myself. i was coming here for info and that was gonna be it. i fond the info and so much more. this 420 group is amazing! i have talked to the nicest people and have seen so much AMAZING talent! im here to stay! so a little about me. im a stay at home mom.. tradded in the 75hrs a week and really nice pay so i could enjoy this time with my girls!! and im loving it!! were in the middle of building our new house so im pretty busy and excited!! but because of all that going on i cant afford the green stuff anymore and im not happy with reg. stuff. ive smoked for about 14 years now and am just tired of paying for something when i could grow it better myself, just never had the time. i live in ct, so i dont have to much freedom on this subject. so for now im here just to watch, learn, talk, and plan and one day before next summer i hope to start a journal. stop by and say hi, im excited to met some new 420 friends. have a pechy day :)
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