I've been watching you! And want to thank you!

There’s always supercropping.
There’s a write up in my sig if you’re interested.
Maybe not in flower... better in veg. Ive done it in flower as last resort though.
Those seem to be stacking buds now and not branching or stretching any more. Unless they are blocking major light to some buds I'd let them be. Some nice big fat buds soon.
Huge fan of the supercrop .
Maybe not in flower... better in veg. Ive done it in flower as last resort though.
Those seem to be stacking buds now and not branching or stretching any more. Unless they are blocking major light to some buds I'd let them be. Some nice big fat buds soon.
Huge fan of the supercrop .
Yeah I edited my statement. I had to scroll up and look at the grow again and realized how far in they were.
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