Jack’s Tap & Bloom or just Bloom for auto: day 22


Well-Known Member
23 days today. She will need to be watered tonight, the bottom of the pot is still a bit heavy. Started with a half dose of Tap to start heffeed of Jack’s Tap veg & Bloom per the feed schedule (week 5) but am wondering if she should get one more 50/50 mix or should she get just bloom at this point.
I’m trying to get precise with nutes now and need to focus in on transition times.
Here’s a few pics along with the feed schedule. With an auto I’m not sure where I am as far as weeks goes. I’m figuring between weeks 5 and 6 as far as the chart goes.

also when I add the bloom and Epsom do I still add my cal mag? I’ve always added 5ml per gallon to my mixes but I’m brand new to thisversion of Jack’s.






I would say use the transition 1/2 + 1/2 for a week or less. If you start seeing more stretch, move to the bloom. looking at the feed schedule, it seems thats their strategy. Some growers like to add the extra P to induce flowering and help good bud set.
For cannabis I would use epsom throughout. The desired ratio for Ca : Mag is 3:1 or so, and that will balance the Ca in your tap water. Your tap should be fairly hard to use this formulation (like 250 uS ec or more)
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