Join Harborside Health Center at the 38th Annual National NORML Conference!


New Member
The 2009 NORML Conference will be held Thursday, September 24 through Saturday, September 26 at the Grand Hyatt in San Francisco, CA. Please mark your calendar now and plan to join us.

Partial listing of panel topics for this year's conference include:

* The Zeitgeist of Legalization: Why and How Did This Happen?
* Pot Politics 2009 and beyond
* Has Support For Legalization Reached The Tipping Point?
* What Impact Would Legalization/Regulation Have On Use Rates
* Cannabis' Law Reforms Missing Link: Law Enforcement
* Putting The Mexican Cartels Out Of Business
* Marijuana Legalization as a Local, State and Federal Revenue Stream
* Pot, Parenting and Legalization
* Cannabis and Athleticism

Medical Cannabis-only day
Thursday, September 24

* Panels and lectures on the health effects of medical cannabis;
* examinations and discussions led by expert lawyers focusing on emerging medical cannabis distribution models;
* taxation;
* zoning and business license issues and criminal defense representation.

If you have questions, contact NORML by phone at 888-67-NORML or e-mail

See you there!


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