Just Cause We Could


New Member
Sometimes me & my friends would do stuff for no other reason than they cracked us up.
So one day we're sitting around bored.
We had:
-A battery-operated black light
-A card table on it's last legs
-A cracked aquarium
-5 bucks.
We spent the 5 bux to have flyers printed up that read:
"1st Annual Bell Gardens Slit Trench Festival Garfield & Slauson Aug. 15 Free Prizes" and put them under the windshields of cars in Bell Gardens (Garfield & Slauson was a huge empty lot).
Then on the night of the 14th we went to the desert with the black light at caught 8 scorpians and put them in the aquarium.
Early on the 15th we went out to the vacant field, set-up the card table then put the aquarium with the scorpians in it on the table, and put up a sign that said "Free--take one"' and went home.
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