Just put firecrackers in the oven!

Well im pretty pissed off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was gonna make firecrackers but i Lost my keys to my safe with my weed in it.I cant get the damn thing open 4 nuthing. MY mom has a lock pickin set but i dont know were it is and i cant ask her 2 open it.

I have 2 find a way to get a quarter pound of weed out of the damn safe without any help. All of my friends r grounded so they cant come help me 4 atleast another 2 weeks. Now i probly have 2 start over with a new PIPE a BONG and a new hiding spot.And I also gotta steal like 300 dollars from my dad.

I know this didnt help anybody but i had 2 tell sumbody how pissed i am that i didnt get 2 make firecrackers.
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