Laura swisher smokes weed


New Member
I forget who was sayin she was hot a bit ago, but she smokes weed! lol

from her bio:

"over the next 15-20 years, I learned to read, ride a bike, calculate algebraic equations, speak Spanish, kiss boys, hide hickeys, make smoking devices out of tin cans, play soccer, sneak out at night and other valuable life lessons. "

I don't think she was smokin tobbaco out of those tin cans...
Stoner sleuths keep on searching for those hidden clues.:)
you read that unnoficial harry pothead clue book too?
shes a stand up comedian/co host of a late night tv show on TechTV. You can check her out at:

also, all you other Unscrewed watchers, watch carefully during the opening. If you watch all the white words on the black background scrolling by, you'll see "420" in there. Martin jokes about weed and shrooms a good bit, its a safe bet hes a toker too.
Damn man she got some big teeth!!! Maybe its the angle.
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