leaves turning brown


Well-Known Member
im not sure what this is from, there growing outside. the PH is around 6.8

none of the other plants have this on them. i have not gave them any nutes for some time, so i dont think its nute burn. anyone have an idea what this is?




looks like pest damage to me... leaves look like there chewed
What kinda damage does spider mites do? Never seen them on my plants but i have heard alot about them. Do they chew like that ?? Anyone know ?
I would look into the possibility of spider mites, have you checked the bottoms of your leaves? I would also do a little reading about calcium deficiencies and maybe other nutrient deficiencies.
Looks like burn. That doesn't mean it is. What kinda soil are you using? I've mixed in too much Organic matter in some homemade soils and very similar effects were manifested.
Most times you get upward or downward curling leaves sometimes clawlike in addition to burn spots and crispy margins/tips.
But not always.
Hope you figured out what it was.
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