Little Help?


New Member
My bottom sets of leaves are turning yellow not all but some. these are 3 ladies (just showed sex today) being grown in some compost soil from my back yard. they get a ton of sun as the are in an wide open field. water just about every 2 days maybe 3 if no rain with 3/4 gallon of water each. I have used 0 added nutes just whats in the ground already. Any suggestions? the one big fan leaf thats yellow is the biggest on the plant




looks to be can go ahead and snip those yellow leaves say this is an okay process because your plant is gonna start using all its energy into producing buds and less on actual vegatation...therefore some yellowin of the leaves is going to curious as to see what the whole plant looks like..any pics?
I concur...looks normal to me. A lot of plants lose older foliage...peppers, tomatos, and so on. The leaves will fall off on their own when the plant is done absorbing nutrients from them but you can remove them by hand (give a light pull, it'll come right off if it's ready) or clip real reason to clip them imho though unless you were having air circulation issues.

However, if they're starting the stretch due to flowering (seems a bit early in the year but I'm pretty ignorant as to outdoor growing) they will be using a LOT of nitrogen to keep up with the fast growth so it is possible they may need a shot of N.
Thanks lil neutrino, i appreciate all the help i can get! Also when should I expect them to "double or triple in size" (i read that on here)? Is it right before the budding cycle or during?
You're welcome...the major stretching occurs in the first couple of weeks of actual flowering. Plant looks great btw! How far along is it?

If the yellowing starts to move up higher in the plant then I would be concerned and consider adding some N (provided the symptoms match a N deficiency).

Thanks!! they are 2 months 5 days old
what race said...the plant looks good wouldnt hurt to add some good organic flowering nutes high in P and K...that yellowing is natural though and wouldnt worry about it tooo much unless it starts spreading throughout the plant..
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