Live from London


New Member
Whats going on people!!
heyy!!! hows London this time of the year???
yeah ive been enjoying it so far..

Londons been hot the past few days. You'll start sweating after a short walk.
Not complaning though. but i miss the cold still..
GoodGreen said:
yeah ive been enjoying it so far..

Londons been hot the past few days. You'll start sweating after a short walk.
Not complaning though. but i miss the cold still..


How many quid does an eighth run ya
how much is an eighth?

i can get half an O for 50.. Just mersh though.
OnionGobbler said:
Is mersh commerical ganj?

Regardless, welcome to the site, you're not a fan of Leeds unt. are you ?
yh yh, its just standerd weed. nah i dont support leeds.
Hiya G.G. -

Welcome from across the pond! I am curious when you say it's getting hot over there. Down here, in the South, the average is mid 80s right now. Going to get much warmer before fall.

I do have to say, we Southerners know how to do air conditioning. Went to Chicago in the summer one year and nearly died from the heat in my hotel room. The front desk swore their a/c was working 'fine'. uh-huh

Oooh! Surprise thunderstorm! Gotta smoke and watch... it's the coolest!


Cy :joint:
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