hELLo EvERybODy!!


New Member
Ello all!

I graduate this crappy college here in a year and I am going to transfer to either Duke (maybe), London Metro. U. (hopefully) or University of Arizona. I really want to move out to Cali, but havent found a decent school out there for what I am going for. (it's medicinally legal out there- which is THE only reason I want to move there. I'm not too hot on the whole 'earthquake and falling off into the ocean' thing)Anywho... trying to make some friends in those areas to get a feel for where I really want to go. London seems quite a feat (seeing as how I have never lived anywhere other than the South, much less out of the country). And it is always good to know people, right? Especially people who share your interests. :)joint: !!)
So.. anyone who goes to any of those schools or lives in those areas, drop me a line. I have to get out of this town STAT. This place is too dry and its driving me crazy.

nice, yeah move to cali. you know what I always says- earthquakes don't kill people, buildings do.

nice to meet'cha


stikee for president :allgood:
I do too! Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks urdedpal...never thought about MD before..

Yes.. the falling things is what scares me.. I have had enough concussions in my day and they arent that fun.


*You cant fight terrorism with terrorism. Two wrongs dont make a right."
hey girl welcome to the forums
Its not so much a crappy college.. just a junior college with a bunch of lackisdasical people who would rather be somewhere else. Me, I like learning and like an environment in which the people in my class do too... makes things much easier.
Its better than here thats for sure!
Everywhere is overrated, really. It's all in what you make of it I suppose. But hey, they have an awsome program for Herbal Medicine. Two years there and the third in China... cant beat that with a stick!
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