Looking for help from US Cannabis members


New Member

I am posting this because I am trying to save my father, to start off my father is now on Blood Thinners and he is refusing to tell me and my mum if he has diabetes and also my dad is on medication as well and I am pretty much trying to save him before any further health complications arise on him, where me and my parents live, it is basically impossible to get Cannabis without going near the gangs aka Tinny Houses as what most New Zealand people would term, my father is in his early 60s and is a railway engineer and I have been trying to brief him that its time to leave New Zealand and move to the US where he can get the treatment he needs, this is a plea for help.
I need some help regarding moving to the US, my mum is willing to move but its my dad, it will take some people to convince him to move, he won't last long on the Blood Thinners and he is already showing stress from it, I am trying to look for a way to immigrate to the US if possible with myself and my parents, living in New Zealand is no longer a option for my parents and my father due to the poor healthcare and also can someone tell me what is the criteria of getting a immigrants visa to the US?
In order to offer any kind of advice, certain things need to be made completely clear.

1.) What exactly are your father's ailments?
2.) Why is this an immediate concern?
3.) What are your (yours and his) expectations for cannabis treatment?
4.) Is he asking for this?
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