

New Member
I have a friend who recently got a job at lowes. they had to take a drug test, they smoked the night before the test, and passed. the test was an oral swab. she didn't go out of her way to take any precautionary measures, and she passed.
has anyone heard of the oral swab test? and do you think she got lucky? or was it a test for other drugs? or was it a ploy to scare drug users away?
i really want a job there, and am going to apply, i'm just not sure how worried i should be, was her pass a fluke?
any info anybody has would be nice, thankyou.
Sounds like MJ is not a concern at Lowes.... :D
Standard drug tests will test for 50 ng/ml in your body to get a positive. They can test any liquid in your body for THC. If you have less than the 50 ng/ml, it won't show up as a positive. Was she a heavy smoker? If she is a casual smoker she may not have had the 50 ng/ml in her saliva and therefore passed because (even tho she did in fact smoke,) she didn't have the proper quantity to get a positive.
i had a lady at a temp service do the hair folical test with me my head is shaved pretty short. so im wondering how shes going to do this i thought maybe my short and curlys. sure enough she reaches under my arm pit with scissers no gloves or nothing and trimmed me up. shes lucky im a clean person im thinking damn what a viking.:)
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