Marijuana Advocate Plans to Roll World's Biggest Joint


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A medical marijuana user plans to see in the New Year on an all-time high -- by rolling the world's biggest joint.

Los Angeles resident Brett Stone said he aims to usher in 2007 by building a .91-meter (three-foot) cigarette using around 112 grams of marijuana.

Stone said he was inspired to try for a record after learning that the previous biggest joint was made with 100 grams.

"I thought the world's largest joint would have been a lot larger," said Stone, 48.

Medical marijuana use has been legal in California since 1996, when voters passed a law allowing the drug to be used as a pain reliever.

Stone said he would be careful to ensure that his record attempt would remain legal, indicating that the joint would be smoked in a local medical marijuana collective.

"We're probably going to do it as a fund raiser," he said. "And the mayor and police chief would be most welcome if they have a doctor's note to consume cannabis."

Stone said he plans to roll an even bigger joint to mark the US football final at the Super Bowl next February -- and has asked companies if they can provide custom made rolling papers to help the attempt.

"I think a meter (3.3 feet) would be a good, smokeable size joint," Stone said. "I'm not looking to make a torpedo I'm looking to make a smokeable joint."

Newshawk: BluntKilla -
Source: Yahoo! News
Pubdate: Nov 27, 2006
Copyright: 2006 Yahoo! Inc.
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I dont like the idea at all & I'm not the only one........

I don't render my opinions to be popular & that's for sure. I'm nobodies 'yes man' either.........Brett Stones idea of a 112 gram joint in conjunction with the medical marijuana movement is horrid....... he's fought long and hard for the med mj movement and has rendered some 'off the wall' opinions himself but this tops them all. I could never agree with this huge joint idea.....

It's a horse shit idea.......

When the rest of the nation watches & judges California and how they handle their ongoing battle with the acceptance & utility of Proposition 215 how does a huge joint figure into this?

Where's Bayers huge 32,500 gram aspirin? Has anyone ever seen a pharmaceutical company celebrate the acceptance by the FDA of a new drug by building the worlds largest of ANYTHING?

Thousands are risking all they have to fight for the rights of patients fair and unencumbered use of MJ as medicine.

This is something that people will use to ridicule and point their fingers at..... and rightfully so, I'm pointing my gnarly old wizards finger at it now..... It's a dumb assed prank that's counterproductive to the cause.

Here's what Jeff Yablan had to say about it........

"Brett, we all do silly things from time to time, and sometimes darnright
idiotic things. Sometimes we just need to say oops and move on. I don't
know you, I've never met you, and I don't even have the slightest idea
what you look like. I certainly agree that you have the freedom of
expression, and if you want to go be the world record holder for the
largest joint, then go right ahead. I would see nothing wrong with your
doing that at the Cannabis Cup or at some event of that nature. There are
also many people in the medical marijuana movement who are risking not
just their freedom, but their families, their homes, their careers, their
futures and their lives. Some, by standing up for their rights, may lose
their homes. Some, by standing up for their rights, may lose custody of
their children. Some, by standing up for their rights, may lose their
pets, cars, and the right to smoke pot under a physician's authorization
in the state of California. Sometimes, it all comes down to the mood of
the judge, the opinion of a sheriff, or the compassion of a single police
officer. These people risking all understand that publicity for the
medical marijuana movement generated by endeavors such as yours could mean
the loss of all that is dear to them at not just the level of the
"movement," but at a deeper personal level. Perhaps some may say we
overreacted to your endeavor, but I sense we did not."

Others have been harsher in their opinions of the idea and have told Brett so...... I'll not bother to print them here as this is not a smear campaign against Brett Stone...... just against a bad idea.........

If Brett Stone really thinks this is a good idea then why hasn't he presented it in a manner reflecting its true merits or meaning?

An appropriate gesture of some sort on behalf of those that need medical mj would make sense and draw on the compassion of the many people that are still unaware or uneducated of marijuanas uses. A huge joint is a joke of sorts and I fail to see its humor.......
Well said Stoner!!! I agree that the risks we have to take just to use med MJ
are still huge. The DEA are a bunch of Nazi Stormtroopers that treat ordinary citizens like they're hardcore criminals...We do need to celebrate in a manner that honor all those who sacrificed so much to bring about legislation that protects patient's right to medical cannabis.
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